Would you recommend BDO?

Would you recommend BDO?

I've looked farn and wide for a good MMO to sink my hours into but I'm kinda poor and can't afford a subscription method

I've been playing WoW on private servers for the longest time but I feel like I've burned out and there aren't really many other options since ESO requires the DLC's to be worth the time and FFXIV also requires a subscription

I gave BDO a look and was instantly interested due to only having to pay once, but I've heard in order to do anything you require many many hours of grinding and farming, but I think the combat system might make up for it

Do you think It's worth going in?

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No. Too much grinding and it's p2w.

I recommend BBC

Your brain is rotten

It's not very accessible for a game to grind in, in fact most of the game is just spent waiting or doing very menial grinds for things that put you slightly ahead of others around you, but not enough to be considered great. There's no tier-of-wealthiness changing RNG drops like in ragnarok or maplestory or runescape or whatever. There's also a really extensive cash shop. BDO has been free multiple times already, I'd highly recommend you just continue waiting for it to happen again.

Bless Unleashed is coming out soon, I can't speak for it's quality, it's still bless, but it'll be a new mmo and you might be able to join a guild and find a group to play other games with, who may even be willing to spot you some cash. I know I got a free ride through FF14 up through stormblood because I tanked for a guild I met on another game. They were so starved for someone who didn't suck ass they paid for my sub for like a year and a half.

Anyway, no. Try:
Bless Unleashed, when it comes out on pc in a couple weeks (unless they push it back)
Aura Kingdom (f2p anime game, p2w as fuck but it's pretty novel and has held a community for good reason)
Maplestory (Literally grind incarnate, grind grind grind that's all you do, grind to grind, grind for gear, grind for upgrades. Timegating is a newer feature but grind is still the core)
Fallout 76 is getting some meaty updates this year, if you can spot the $20 it costs on sale, you can totally get 20 hours of ACTUAL enjoyment out of it, no "300 hours of grind and 20 of fun" shit, the main storyline/leveling up to 50 is quite nice.
ESO is probably a good bet for you, try it on a free weekend which are plentiful, see if you like it, if you do you can bet that free weekend accompanies a sale where the whole shebang is like $60.
Runescape is lots of grinding, but it's very hands off grinding, so it's hard to recommend but hey if you like it, good on ya.
If you're into pokemon, maybe try pokeMMO. Not the greatest though.

do u recommend ff14? i played until level 50 by doing nothing but quests. The millisecond i hit level 50, 1 million quests popped up around me so i uninstalled on the spot

This. It could've potentially been worth it if the end game PvP (which is pretty much the only endgame) wasn't just a 1-shot fest.

>pay once
You have to pay way more than that for all the "convenience" features or the game is near unplayable. The only time I'd have recomended the game was within the first year of launch, it's really gone downhill since then.

If you're looking for non-sub game GW2 has a lot of content and is getting another expansion soon. f2p is playable for quite a while before you need to buy the game.

If you're too poor to afford an MMO sub, you need to not play any MMOs (or any other video games) and instead sort your mess of a life out.

You just peaked my interest with GW2, I'm gonna give it a try instead, thanks man

No, this game is not fun. Even if you can spend hundreds of dollars on it and not think twice it's just not fun.

not that guy but if you're looking for a more grind oriented mmo fuck no. It's got a big emphasis on daily quests/roulettes with weekly locks on endgame armor/currency and you have to do a billion quests. The only grindy thing is the relic weapon which is only the best weapon if you can't do the harder fights and for a little while at the end of an expansion (going off how the past ones have been)

How is the ERP in BDO?

Real talk FFXIV has some of the best ERP I have ever had. Wondering if this game has any good stuff. Which server would I go to for it?

I'll be frank, I have a legacy account on FF14. I played FF11 from it's initial release up through and past abyssea and the story expansions (stopped around seekers release, though I did buy it), so ff14 was something I was really excited for. I obviously do not care for ARR in the way I cared for FF11. But it was still enjoyable enough. Just like everything on Zig Forums the stories of trannies and ERP shit are exaggerated, but not entirely untrue. Just find a group of people you like and buddy up with them, you'll usually get thrown into a discord (which depending on your view of it, may not be a good thing) and then you'll have people to hang out with.
The leveling and story structure was probably the thing I hated most, I don't play MMOs for the story, I don't want to be a superhero, I want to be joe blow who trains and becomes good. Everything being locked behind the MSQ which I felt were really lackluster, and piss easy frustrated me and is ultimately why I stopped playing. If you think you'd like the story, try the free trial, I think they made it better recently.

Calpheon 2. Hang out by the fountain in Heidel city. Your welcome.

I played BDO back in the closed beta and 2 months into launch. Sure it's a lot of fun at the start and looks fucking amazing (better than any mmo available to this day), but for me it quickly ran out of steam. The lack of need for parties makes you never think about building a community of friends, guilds are practically useless because there isn't any raids, all the bosses are just cheap world bosses you can solo stomp, money is easy to make, buying up all the properties is easy, and the story is shallow at best. There is a significant lack of content after you reach max level. It's fun for maybe 20 hours but after that it's nothing special. Maybe they've changed all that in the past 5 years but from all the news i've seen i haven't seen a fix for lack of end game

its a few steps away from gacha in its practices its just a musou game with online unbalanced pvp

Give me a good MMO Zig Forums

what kind of mmo do you want, and what do you like?
There are obvious recommendations like DFO, maplestory, runescape, ff14, wow, but there's too many unless you have a particular type of game in mind.

Aight guys I get it, BDO bad, GW2 good

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stay away from bdo, it's shit
PvE is basically non existant
PvP can be alright, but the node war and siege scene are fucked and that content isn't even that fun since the game doesn't actually handle that content well
lifeskilling is literally afking when you're not gathering, and requires real money to set up to make any real money, on top of learning the market.
Do you like spreadsheets op? Do you like wasting your time and leaving your PC running BDO 24/7? Do you like gear progression being gambing in late game?
Stay away from BDO, it's unironically horrendous and I regret even getting excited for the lies pearl abyss were saying before they launched this turd. and I regret having it waste so much of my time that would have been better spent literally doing anything else.

No. It's a beautiful world and has a lot of interesting systems and a top-tier character creator but at the core it's profoundly Korean which means extreme pay2win and grind. And with PvP factoring heavily into the game (and you can't avoid it despite what shills or people who have only played for a couple months will tell you), it can get pretty miserable as you can't even scratch whales and will get one-shot. The best part of the game you'll never see unless you either pour money into it or you get RNG carried.

It's shit

gameplay gets dull extremely fast
the new loli class couldn't even carry it for me

I agree that what it can show looks amazing. But holy shit I got annoyed by the constant obnoxious pop-in quickly. I thought they'd fix it over time but they never did.

>It's got a big emphasis on daily quests/roulettes with weekly locks on endgame armor/currency and you have to do a billion quests
That sounds like destiny 2. Are all MMO's like this nowadays or what?

The least cash shop advantage type MMO, i'm fine with PVP or PVE

Honestly yes. The game lacks any meaningful endgame content, but it's great to play through the story once. I think they even included the entirety of Heavensward in the free trial now.

DFO is pretty good, but it has a fatigue/stamina system, and heavily pushes you towards making a ton of alts (not only to get around the fatigue system, but you also get big buffs so it gets easier to raise up characters in the future)
You may want to try EVE, and forgive me for saying this, the mobile port of EVE is fantastic. You can buy plex of course, but it has it's own risks, and there's no extra shit attached. EVE has a lot of time investment, there's very little skill involved when you get down to it, it's all about how long you've been playing.

Woah woah, I wanna throw my life away, but not EVE levels of throwing my life away

Most are, it's a great way to keep content relevant longer and extend sub times. Also, if they take 2months of doing shitty fight x to get everything you don't have to make shitty fight y as fast! XIV has also been cutting out some of the more normal content to focus on god knows what probably xvi which makes it more obvious when you have the dungeons lasting for 6months instead of 3months because they only make 1 dungeon now

Fuck outta here with BDO.
The game looked great during Alpha when the devs still intended a full on sandbox gameplay, non instanced housing, shops, tents etc.

Then with the european beta it turned into generic garbage with good graphics.


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