>MS is forced to shit on Xbox and shill mobile with PC
Sony Sama, I Kneel
Didn't they circlejerk Crossplay enough to avoid this "problem"?
Probably a diversity-hired woman virtue signaling on that account
Actually thats pretty based. Only the sony jews want your money goyim. The microsoft chad gives a fuck about your money, only wants you to be healthy and happy
What is wrong with this?
Xbox going around a being a fucking bro to everyone.
I mean, as much as a corporate account can be.
Do you think that this is a win for anyone but normal people?
It's a sensible marketing move: if someone can't buy the console, at least get them on the game pass service which is another key revenue driver for Microsoft's gaming strategy.
Let me guess, you're one of those faggots that goes around expecting a bunch of companies going around and dis-ing each other, like the Wendy's meme.
This, MS gives Nintendies Cuphead and Ori 1 and 2 so they're pretty based imo opinion
Well, let's be real, they're going to get your money either way.
It's just to the degree at which they get your money.
>says he loves xbox
>has spiderman miles as his profile pic
I mean, there is no reason at all to buy an Xbox since the only appeal of a console are the exclusive games, but at least their community manager running the Twitter seems like a decent sort.
>expecting a bunch of companies going around and dis-ing each other
>being a fucking bro to everyone
>seems like a decent sort
Pussy mentality right there, muh brand is nice to me
Corporate Brand (TM) is not being nice to me.
The Twitter profile is objectively going around being a bro.
Do you think that they actually give a shit? Probably not.
It doesn't discount those statements though.
I'm a Playstation Fag but I've always liked the way they handle "social interactions". Xbox is pretty good
god damnit fucking soiboi era
Money is in the games. Notice the push for android and PC as an alternative to the console.
Big boys play on PC, the less fortunate play on consoles and then trannies and people of color on PS5
what exclusives does PS5 even have besides an inferior remake of an 11 year old game?
Why are you zoomers so obsessed with playing as team for a major corporation that doesn't give a single shit about you? You are the mentally ill generation and it shows with your transition rate.
your butthurt is playstation's best exclusive
If I'm butthurt at all, it's because one of my favorite games has been butchered by a company that has never liked it and was almost responsible for it never getting a localization. So again, what exclusives are there exactly?
That's because they want people to move to PC because consoles are always sold at a loss and they would rather you had your own machine for higher profit margins. Since consoles are basically just PCs nowdays and share identical architectures so it's not that much difficult to port code from one to anohter.
stop larping, everybody see through your bullshit, take your meds.
>Actually thats pretty based. Only the sony jews want your money goyim. The microsoft chad gives a fuck about your money, only wants you to be healthy and happy
These are corporations, user. You're degrading yourself and looking like a retard for a corporation who only sees you as a dollar sign.
>stop larping
I'm not, but how about you? Have you even played it?
Reverse psychology seems to be working on Zig Forums brainlets
I miss the 00's and the corporate fights
Now everyone acts like a cuck
Microsoft knows what it is doing. It is planning for the future. If Sony does not start competing with Microsoft in the PC market then they will be left in the dust.
I find it utterly disgusting that a marketing account of a company calls people "friend"
They can fuck right off with that
Both Sony and Microsoft are selling these consoles at a loss, of course MS would rather you just buy game pass instead of costing them money by buying the console.
This is actual high IQ marketing by Microsoft though. Snoys will have no choice but to look at that and see a gentlemanly gesture towards an enemy. High levels of honor.
Did people forget that most of the bullshit practices we see nowadays in video games are because of Microsoft? They're not your bro or friend, these are corporations wanting your money