Harry Potter / Hogwarts Legacy

Which house are you going to choose?

Attached: hogwarts-legacy.jpg (1280x720, 89.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:


House of Nogger

House of Cope

I hope there will be romance options.

Hufflepuff, everyone else is a try hard.

House of Delhi, where no toilets are found


Attached: Dumbledoor.jpg (1200x600, 140.55K)

>Takes place in the late 1800's
>The player is "special" in perceiving and mastering ancient magic
>Rowling has no involvement in the game's writing
>Hogwarts isn't the only location you can travel around in, there's also Hogsmeade Village and the Forbidden Forest for example
>Beast taming, potion brewing, spell mastery, character customization, and companionship are present
>You can choose your own house with more details to come about it (they've implied you can switch)
>Lore is taken very seriously with Near Headless Nick's ghost being still present, the goblins are not yet bankers, centaurs are in the Forbidden forest and are not keen on human interaction, etc
>You're allowed moral choices and can choose to use magic for sinister stuff

Can someone gather shit from the leaks years ago?
Only ones that are accurate to what we know about the game now

For me it's Ravenclaw - intelligence, nihilistic and a wicked sense of humor

I'm absolutely going to go Hero Slytherin and Villian Gryffindor if it lets me

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Leaked stuff from years ago

For me it's Hufflepuff - completely fucking useless and irrelevant and i giggle at my own farts

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The House of Seething Trannies

What will it even be? An MMO?

slytherin because i'm a tranny slayer.

Where my OG bros at?

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These amuse me.

Slytherin of course.

Attached: Merula_Snyde.jpg (744x1052, 94.86K)

FUCK slithershits

I hope Rowling herself posted this.

The old leaks from October 2018

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>Rowling has no involvement in the game's writing
so.. Hogwarts will have plumbing?

I want to be pure wizard-supremacist and look down upon those filthy mudbloods

Here's your love interest bro

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Its set in the 1800s
Wizards had plumbing by then

So this gonna be a single player open world rpg?


If the houses affect the storyline in any major way, I'll play through them all starting with the House of autism, Hufflepuff

Post your magicfu
Note that there is one wrong answer

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I hope someone mods her into the game. I need her

Would eat that curry brapper

not a potter fan but this game looks cool Slythrian seem the coolest

Fucking slythrin menace

>Today, J.K.Rowling re-stated her position on transgender lives. We have previously reached out to her both publicly and privately, offering a calm conversation around the issues she has raised and today, we sent a further email to her team, renewing that offer. We are yet to receive a response.
>As part of that email, we have disclosed something we hoped never to say. We say it now with permission from those involved. Without giving personal detail, without betraying confidences, we must represent the seriousness of the situation. We are aware through our work with families that there have been cases of self-harm and even attempted suicide following J.K.Rowling’s statements and the public response on social media and in the press. Surely this must cause us all to pause and question the way young trans lives are being debated in public


Which one lets me attack and dethrone God?

>>You're allowed moral choices and can choose to use magic for sinister stuff

Flipping skirts as a slythrian chad

Nice Chang for ants.

Attached: cho-chang-in-scarf.jpg (1500x998, 173.28K)

Why the fuck do so many people on Zig Forums and Zig Forums love Harry Potter

cant wait to get her blacked

>you will never have seven children with your fertile redhead wife who loves you even if you're a loser who can't provide for his family

Attached: molly weasley.jpg (2150x1433, 1.21M)

>We are aware through our work with families that there have been cases of self-harm and even attempted suicide following J.K.Rowling’s statements and the public response on social media and in the press. Surely this must cause us all to pause and question the way young trans lives are being debated in public
Jesus Christ, trannies literally have movie self-destruct sequences.