Welcome back to another episode of CLASSIC GAME ROOM. Buy my comic. Truxton! Laserdisc! Musha! Woo~

welcome back to another episode of CLASSIC GAME ROOM. Buy my comic. Truxton! Laserdisc! Musha! Woo~

Attached: crazy bastard threw away his only way of making money then went crazy on twitter where he now yells at the president.jpg (1280x720, 100.01K)

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>Truxton please kill Drumpf and all the haters

Please stop. That's what hurts the most. It'd be one thing if he stepped down with grace, the state he's in now is just...sad.

What are some games where the protagonist falls from grace in a way that is both pathetic and entirely their own fault?

At least Gamesack still exists, with only one of the guys left..

So what happened to this guy? I heard different things. That he went simply nuts. That TDS did him in. That he hates games. Like he had thousands of views reviewing games and he threw it all away for shit people don't want to see which is him drawing and this is his job mind you that he raises a family on. What happened?

It's not the same without David

CGR Undertow was better

It’s not fair ;_;. He used to be so fun to watch just for ordinary, dumb casual/retro reviews and then he just threw it all away for his stupid comic shit

The theme song was a bop too

Got pissed off other people used clips from his videos, then got pissed his videos got copy claimed, then got pissed at amazon for not serving every country on earth like youtube does, then pretended CGR never existed & now he just talks about comics.

Probably got burnt out and wanted to do something new.

A lot of it is Youtube fucking him over repeatedly, but he did go a little crazy too.

What did they do specifically?

Truxton bros... we're back.

One time he made a shitpost video of 1min with just weird sounds and images and I commented "at least you're not plugging your shitty comic in this one" and got over a thousand likes. cgr deleted my comment then deleted the video lmao.

checked his last video
it only got 5k views and all the comments are people begging him to bring back classic game room
how can you flop so badly

Why do we have to put up with this fucking youtube garbage? Why don't they just make a board for this crap? I would clean up more than just Zig Forums, too. They made a board for the fucking bronies, why not one for this horseshit?

>Used truxton as a joke constantly
>When asked if he's ever played the sequel he didn't even know it existed
Face it, the guy didn't even like video games.

based, epic and replied, fellow trumpanzee with diabetes. I love sucking grifter cock too.

If its his hobby, more power to him. I distinctively remember seeing him bitch that this was his well being and is youtube is your job then sorry you need to do what gets views even if its not what you want. Furious Fernando made a similiar big stink. I can't just go to my boss and say "I don't want to do this shit anymore I am going to do something completely different and you are going to pay me the same" and not get fired. These streamers are like fucking children and he looks like a 40 year old man

It all happened, it was really bad timing for him I think. He had been going nuts because the channel lost views, but then multiple things kept happening that made it worse.

i dont mind him doing the comic stuff, i actually like him but he just completely disowns all his gaming reviews and pretends it never existed
that left a bad taste in everyone's mouths

Hey man you can hate Trump all you want, just don't let it overtake your existence and add fuel to your already burning classic gaming channel

How the hell does this guy make any money at all

Attached: 1589395242119.jpg (629x618, 51.87K)

I maga'd at this post. Based for the win!

I think he lives in california, so he'd probably getting taxed into the ground for his electrical bill alone. Dude had 30 arcade machines in his garage running at the same time.

We all know the real Mark was forever trapped inside the R-Zone years ago

There should be like a rule if you didn't make it as a really successful youtuber I am talking like really good salary and not Linkara tier barely make ends meet that you should just throw in the towel and get a real job because now its pathetic

Could be worse. At least he didn't become a tranny.

Attached: Digibro.png (753x739, 694.11K)

this guy has to have one of if not the WORST falls from grace I have ever seen. his content used to be so kino, now hes just a hyper loser.

Maybe not the same, but I still enjoy it with just Joe
Only I can't stop thinking about how weirdly small his arms always look in proportion to his torso and head

Spoony is worse but this guy is 2nd place

>1,419 videos
>Not even 150,000 subs
H-how...how is that possible?


I was SO about to list Spoony because I don't think you can go so hard from Hero to Zero and then just BURN till even the cinders have just vanished and yet the fire rages on.

All TGWTG fucks are lazy shit heads that don't understand what marketing is

to be fair, his last game "reviews" were souless as shit, he was pretty much reading a text while making sure to thank the faggot who paid money to his patreon and sent him free games/hardware. pretty much like AVGN is right now

Many such cases
Honestly makes me a little sad seeing somebody on the grind for years and years, putting out decent content (not Linkara obviously) multiple times a week and never getting their break, then again if they're content just making videos on the side while clearly making a living some other way then who am I to pity them

This guy makes Linus look like a lightweight shill