First day buy for me now
Oh thank G-d
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she's still getting royalties
Isn't a game set in 1800's England where half of the population are niggers?
Read real literature, fags
What’s real literature?
>they want to have their cake and eat it too
WB is greedy and scummy, who'd have thought?
The best wizards from Africa man. Wizards don't give a shit as long as you're not a dirty mudblood
GK Chesterton's The Ball and the Cross.
The Alchemist
I will now buy your book
Yes but those wizards have their own wizarding schools. Why would they send them to the British wizarding school? The only people non-white who went to British boarding schools in the 19th century were the sons of Indian maharajahs and such, a tiny fraction as well.
why is she writing Silence of the Lambs
I love it when they cancel their own champions. Intersectionality means they just ram their conflicting dogmas into each other without thought.
>WB has attempted to distance Legacy from her influence they haven't, it's just not written by her. That was decided long before she went full terf on twitter and her political views have no impact on it.
Fuck games "journalists".
dude thats one of my favourites
Did you sleep through literature class? One semester will give you dozens of interesting authors to look into.
>he thinks africans have schools
It's probably relatively effortless for wealthy wizarding families to send their protege off to another country via magical means, and maybe Hogwarts is just a lot better than the rundown mudhut school they have in Africa.
No it isn't. This is a sensationalist headline.
? Yes it is shill.
Are the Harry Potter movies worth a shit I'm an adult near my thirties? I only watched one of them (can't remember if it was the 2nd or the 4th) and it was only because my friends dragged me to the cinema.
I don't even read or watch Harry Potter but this whole author vs twitter trannies drama has been hilarious
It really isn't.
It's actually really embarrassing that troons look at a situation like this and think Rowling is talking about them. Trannies are obsessed.
Wizarding world exists pretty much completely in paralell to the muggle world, and the cooperation between the magic schools worldwide is well known in universe. 1800s century non-magical Britain could still be all white for all we know.
preorder cancelled
I loved the first 2 movies even rewatching them as an adult, the soundtrack is absolutely phenomenal and Hogwarts looks and feels great, but you have to remember theyre children movies first and foremost. If you dont mind that then go ahead.
never cared about this soi franchise, never will.
I'd rather have the American school with the gun magic
>a tweet from a literal who
kill yourself pathetic Zig Forumstard
Retard, she's one of us now.
Only trannies are against her now.
call the based department
you first, troon
>harry literally used a shotgun spell on draco that one time and nearly killed him
>Trannies are obsessed
>every tweet is about trannies
fuck off tranny
obsessed. I love that my existence causes people to talk about me all day (see carlbrownisback's twitter who you cite as infallible). I live rent free, and that rocks!
Xavier renegade angel
More like a knife to face spell.
>Some white person always kedavra'ing up the school ever year
>Wizard police stationed at every entrance to search the minority students for stuff
There is actually one Wizard school for the entire continent of Africa. There's also one for the entire continent of Asia.
What a fucking mess.
>phoneposter expects me to read that
>I live
Not for long.
It's 4 am bro
>I memed myself into thinking I was a woman so everyone must
lmao you people are deranged
The only one that's worth a damn is the third one.
>phoneposting Amercian doesn't know about time-zones
Colour me surprised
Take your pills Alice
remove austen
by definition, literature cannot be written by women