>On PS5 hardware
>looks worst than the previous FF games
What went wrong?
>On PS5 hardware
>looks worst than the previous FF games
What went wrong?
MMO team is making it, so the environ design is garbage just like 14. Visually it's probably just budget issues, FF isn't what it used to be, so they probably have a more conservative budget this time around.
>Zig Forums
>caring about graphics when a game still looks good
what went wrong?
Am I blind or something? FF16 looked fantastic. What am I missing?
Console toasters got too cocky. Now they are lagging behind 3 gpu generations long before release, lmao.
Keep posting Cidney.
its almost like the ps5 is shit
>What am I missing?
>still shilling the piece of turd that is xv
Wow she managed to be even prettier
Are you retarded? It looks like 360 graphics.
>am i blind
Apparently, ff13 for some reason is still the best looking final fantasy.
looks like ffxiv
Looks like they're using the old engine for xv, SE probably has no confidence this would sell
FF dont sell as well as it did one day
Get some glasses
you're missing your tortanic goggles that make you see everything as a potential flop first and foremost
It would look better if there were more hot women
I've been looking at this pic for 30 minutes now.
She's very pretty.
It was sharp as can be. I sent the video to my friend because I thought I was going crazy and he also said it looked great. Well, I guess I am retarded but also glad I can enjoy it.
The characters and setting looked fantastic. But the graphics (might be youtube's fault) and the gameplay looked meh. Especially the gameplay. Shit looks just like the last one.
FF14 graphic are full of potato face
It would help if people got to see actual set pieces that looked good. XV looked good but had great setpieces to show off in trailers as well. Everything they showed off in this new trailer looks on par with XV graphically but the most they showed off is a muddy canyon and closed off corridors.
who is this?
That's what I thought. I haven't played FFXIV because I despise the plastic look of everything, the lack of proper skin shaders and the flat lighting and I actually thought the trailer was for an expansion.
Shes perfect
It's weird. The trailer looked fine for the most part but also kind of dated simply because it looks so similar to 14's artstyle. A main character that looks like straight out of 14's character creator doesnt really help either.
It's Iris's true nature.
cute but not pretty as Cindy.
Problem is it's the PC version being shown, so one can't quite trust the graphics either, so I think many are subconsciously leaning on judging the art-style alone over the graphics as a whole.
Yeah, me too, actually. I tuned in a couple minutes late, and thought it was some sort of port of 14 to ps5, until I noticed the not so great version of prelude. And I've heard the sentiment quite a few times already, so it's not like it's a crazy statement.
Fuck these idiots arguing over pixels. For Christ's sake, this. Why would they make 16 play exactly like 15? They should go back to turn-based for once like ff10 or 7 although 12 is my 3rd favorite.
Fucking stop calling anything remotely action-related FFXV gameplay, it looks way more like DMC than FFXV.
I wish I could just let go and have a meltdown, because goddamn you gargantuanly retarded fucks.