What would an Aggretsuko video game be like?

What would an Aggretsuko video game be like?

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Animal Crossing but in an office

boring just like the show.

This, so instead post more of the only thing that matters: the fanart

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Fenneko is perfect

They did her dirty in season 3, but for all that matters only season 1 ever happened

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I haven't watched more than season 1. Don't need to.

You really do not need to, at all

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I'm trying to fight the urge to mastrubate, so please do not post anymore suggestive pictures of Fenneko, thank you.

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>They did her dirty in season 3


They just made her look like a thirsty ho, though to be fair everyone just got worse this season, with Haida being even more pathetic and disregarding better (dog) pussy and Retsuko getting into an idol band for no good fucking reason

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Most likely gacha


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That's unfortunate. However, if she is indeed thirsty then that means she is primo grade for me to swoop in and marry her.

Season one is the only good one.

Haida should have ended with Fenneko

Ok, furry.



Boring furshit, just like the show

you guys think the Japanese made this show and other furry shit to turn people into furrys

They will eventually end up together since they are most compatible, and Retsuko will end up with a literal who who impregnates her since she wants a baby so fucking bad for some unknown reason (totally not a subliminal message aimed towards the Japanese population to fuck more and have more babies)

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>Japanese Aggretsuko death voice subtitles:
>English (American) subtitles:
>Screw capitalism!!
What did Netflix mean by this?

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Retsuko is a fucking SHIT
Gori is my waifu

there is already a mobile game so that one

ahhhh i want to fuck a doggo

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FFX was the best Final Fantasy game.

Pic related but with furries

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>Haida should have ended with Tadano
ftfy no need to thank me

Tadano is build for bromance only.

Tadano is built to fuck everyone silly with his magnum donkey dong

your show is in trouble when the two male leads have better chemistry with each other than with the female lead character.

I'm made about the pretty doggy that liked the punk hyena.