Demons Souls

They should add a hard mode.
That increases the number of enemies 2-3 times.
Some sections are too much like a walking simulator.
There's too few enemies in the original because there are no checkpoints.

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I finally played it the last year and beat the whole thing in like 15 hours.

People will definitely be disappointed with the game's length and difficulty.

yeah it's too short and mostly too easy, besides 3 hard bosses if you don't have magic
the trailer made the game look even easier

>They should

Shut the fuck up.

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Which 3 bosses? Flamelurker. Maneaters and False King? I spammed Soul Arrow for the first one but the other two are pretty easy in melee, just roll and punish, the patterns are pretty primitive compared to the later games.

I feel like most of the playtime was slogging through 5-2's meme swamp.

>awesome intro where the player is surrounded by enemies
>you never encounter that, you only get to fight enemies one on one

>Which 3 bosses? Flamelurker. Maneaters and False King?
yes those are the ones that give noobs the most trouble

DeS' strength is in its replayability, kinda like all other Souls games. While it's short, it's fun as hell and your personal routing makes every playthrough a little different. Don't forget World Tendency fuckery which is both a good and bad thing depending on what you want to do.

I like replaying fun games.

>DeS' strength is in its replayability
I guess you can use different builds.
But the problem is that the game is too easy to make it really interesting. Some levels are too much of a slog.

Will they remove durability fuckery in PVP?
Or will they kill PVP like the original?

It already has a hard mode it's called NG+.

>It already has a hard mode it's called NG+.
you mean easy mode?
it doesn't fix the enemy numbers

The ass fuckery is the real fun in this game if I kill off all the hosts phantoms they deserve to be prey to the scraping spear, the real question is the balance especially now that hosts have 3 phantoms if cursed weapon and strength weapons get nerfed I won't even think about touching the game.

PBWT adds extra enemies to areas if you want that.

>now that hosts have 3 phantoms

They're adding "Fractured mode", whatever that means, hopefully something great
>1 player. 2-6 network players. 66GB minimum. PlayStation®Plus subscription required for some features. Vibration function supported. Trigger function supported.
>6 network players

>if invading won't be brain dead easy I won't even touch it
sounds like someone who would cheat in fall guys

Why are they so fucking annoying and cater to the fucking crybabies

If they gut my main enjoyment of the game there's no point playing the game simple as that. That's why I want to know if they changed the balance or not.

pvp in souls is fucked up unbalanced shit

No shit it's never been balanced but it doesn't mean it hasn't been fun.

They're gonna fuck up the DBS aren't they?

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forget weapons, you guys don't realize how janky the game will feel just moving around.

the main point of pvp in souls is coop
DS3 can have 3 summons too

>No longer knocks down on regular hit

nah they will make it even more brain dead easy, that's what you want

How good will games like Sekiro, BloodBorne or DS3 will play on PS5
Is BloodBorne's framerate unlocked? It is not for DS3 on Pro

It's locked yes. Just get a PC man. Get a console when it actually has games. DS3 and Sekiro have actually good mods.

I do have one but a bit weak, Ryzen 1200 @ 3.4 and RX 580 4GB

Why do the animations look so bad
Did they always look this bad?

Bluepoint can't animate they fucked up SOTC too. The original game wasn't this bad, it had some of the best movesets in the series animation wise.

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>That increases the number of enemies 2-3 times.
ps5 is too weak for this
if there was a hard mode (and there won't be) it would have stronger enemies not more of them

Are you so fucking retarded that you forgot world tendency exists and having black wt is a built in hard mode?

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