Will the next generation have no disc tray at all and fully kill physical media?

Will the next generation have no disc tray at all and fully kill physical media?

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Both will flop but at least the PS5DE has the same spec as the proper version, unlike the Series Ass.

The world ain't gonna be around in 10+years , dude.

Oh you sound like those crazy liberals.

>proper spec
>runs dmc5 in 1080p

>Cherry picking ESL

>answers in memes
You already lost.

So does the Series X. DMC5SE is just shit.

Someone said around 99% of PS5 preorders are the digital one so maybe

That's all you're worth, Xbox cuck.

Most likely. We all know how the masses love to get shit on.

>someone said
Though it is expected the cheaper models will sell more. You pay it back a hundredfolds on ever game.


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Disc version saves money in the long run. Just last week I got One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 for 30€ in my local game shop meanwhile it's like 60€ on PSN.

The fact that both consoles have a cheaper digital only version is almost certainly going to be the final nail in Gamespot's coffin

You won't get good deals like that next gen if nobody else is buying discs.


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Man, sonyfags are like apple drones

Fuck discs. What are you, a caveman? Go buy a VHS.

I wonder how we'll be able to trade or lend playstation games

PSN have sales too, dumb onepiece nigger.

You'll always have the option to buy a game for the cheapest price if you can also use disks. You'll save money in the long run, that's just a fact. Why does that upset you so much, are you a shill?

the world is gonna end before elden ring


I want the games I buy to stick on my harddrive forever once I'm done with them instead of selling them.

Not while fast uncapped internet is still regulated to metropolitan areas.
A lot of people still sit with slow capped internet due to infrastructure issues and that wont be solved over night. I'd rather buy a physical copy than having to wait a week to download an overly bloated game.

It's literally an outlet for people who hunt the cheapest deal available among all the stores, so not exactly representative. In my retail chain (Central Europe) the interest in the physical is about 3x higher than in DE. Both sold out the whole expected stock in a few hours, though, which has never happened before.
This is going to be one really crazy launch.

How would discs save you anything? They cost 70-100$ around here. Even if they was 60, PSN have sales up to 70%. Unless you got the disc for free there is no difference. Don't forget that your game won't run without a disc and loading times would be longer because discs are outdated and reading times suck dick.

>mfw 70-80€ games AND they don't have to deal with cases anymore
And people tell me PC is expensive.

Attached: face-disgust.png (600x600, 44.55K)

people said that pre 2000, people said it pre 2002, 2010, 2015, 2017 & 2018 and recently about 2020. but this time for sure user...
like the last 2gens killed PC gayming for sure or digital media right.

Nvme is physically media. And you're gonna need a lot of them if you want more than 2 games.

>How would discs save you anything?
They did for me just a week ago. 30€ for a new game at a store meanwhile it's 60€ on PSN. You can also sell games and buy used ones.

Not him, but here physical games often cost 10-20 euro less at launch than digital. So you save the most money if you buy physical for Day 1 games and go with PSN sales later.

>PSN have sales up to 70%
85%, actually. 70% is a fairly "standard" sale.

this is the last generation for video game consoles and the human race, so don't worry about it

those are the same type of people who get their phones on payment plan. you end up paying more, but that upfront cost is lower so it's alright.

>Both will flop
Yeah, about that.

>Despite pre orders for #PS5 not officially going live till today, many U.K. retailers began online last night.

>One night of #PlayStation5 pre orders are currently tracking 32% higher than that of PS4 full day one numbers.

>The data quoted in my tweet was specific to just the U.K. market. The PS5 pre orders which were only live for a few hours, surpassed the entire day one pre order total for PS4.
This was in the middle of the night, before Amazon, Argos, etc. even opened their pre orders. It's hard to imagine anything PS5 is going to flop at this rate.

it's been interesting to see sony wake up to the fact deep discounts for digital games actually work. steam's been doing for over a decade.

>The shitting streets of Snoy ESL Pajeets

Sony's next console is going to copy Nintendo's handheld hybrid.

>Muh phyicsal ownership
No one care, having a weebgamecollection isnt special

The 120GB limit of the discs is already a problem for the devs. We'll see dual or triple disc releases by the end of this generation.
The discs won't make it to the next gen, unless a gigantic breakthrough happens in disc tech.

not to mention buying the cheaper no-disk console means you've locked yourself out of the used games market and are now subject to whims of digital pricing.