You're an RTS unit

you've just been selected.
what do you say?

Attached: muhrine.png (820x974, 280.95K)

Niggers could be around here.

Attached: har.jpg (345x336, 214.33K)

Please don't make it hurt.

She's turned the weans against us


Fuckin' shit, now what?


Please NO!

Honk if Thatchers deid

>Why yes, how could you tell?

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I never relax

>Take me off the field please!
>I don't want to die!
>I'll do anything, even suck your dick! Just let me go back!

> Motherfucker... Standing duty.
> Whatcha need boss?
> Better be something cool.
> Goddammit what now?
> Is it time to get our asses kicked?

I nevah freeze

>Being selected
Finally finish your tendies?
Poke all you want, you still won't make me your friend
My feet hurt
All the way there?
It'd be faster you made a troop transport
Those bitches are dead
Finally, some fun
But they'll die if I kill them
Ah, sweet release...

Hello bitch, nice TITS ahahahahah milky millky milky baby thristy mommy baby want milk suck suck suck suck hahahaha stupid cunt give me those big udders you slut hahahaha tits tit titty me your caveman me use big titty for big bitty hahaha honk honk honk slut cunt mommy honk honk milky baby want more now honk honk honk pitter patter on those big mommy milkies hee hee hee haha haaaa haaaa can't stop the milk truck coming through honk honk all aboard the titty train hee hee wooo wooooooo honk honk honk!!!

JESUS CHR- oh, it's you...

Attached: ugh.jpg (306x306, 19.83K)

pretty good one

You too

I'm not going there


selected: whatever it is the answer's no.
moving: god damnit...

All lives matter!

point me there and let me loose

The player keeps clicking your portrait
what do you say

This better not turn into a fucking e-sport.


>Am I getting paid for this?

that WON'T make me move faster

i like it


>what if life is just a simulation?
>what if this is a game being played by God?
>are my actions my own?
>did i decide to do this or was it someone else and i just think its me?
>why are we here?
>what happens after we die?
>what if my memories were somehow implanted and i didnt exist before today?

got time for a smoke?

"My life for hire."
"You want a piece of meat, boy?"

Sir, I fail to see how this gives you any tactical advantage.

APM APm aypee,, huh?

> fair enough
> were getting really close to a bloodbath there...
> gotcha boss
> Attacking
> This wont end well.
> time to fuck some bugs
> earth to zeus, i really dont do smalltalk