Face it, you wouldn't be crying about the zucc or shills if you didn't want one.
Face it, you wouldn't be crying about the zucc or shills if you didn't want one
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Can someone explain to be why people selling “my data” is a bad thing? Like ok, people will know what games I like and they’ll be able to tell how big my hands are - I’m??? What are people going to do with this info except make money off of creating targeted ads that I ignore anyway? Why should I care
>Face it
It's the same with Amazon, google etc. They take it, it's read by a computer algorithm and it creates targeted ads. No actual human looks at it.
Facebook is pretty notorious for taking personal info though, addresses, stuff on Computer, entire life histories etc. People on Zig Forums are pedos with CP on their computer and so are worried th I mean people generally don't like the lack of privacy.
If they'd remove the mandatory facebook login I still wouldn't buy one.
Does anyone even know what field of view it's got? None of the reviewers have said anything about it.
about the same as the vive and rift cv1
Does anyone know the actual per eye resolution of it? They're saying 2k per, but it's also one 4k screen and they're dividing by two, which doesn't account for the part in the middle of the screen not being used
I already have a kikebook account, so why the fuck should I care about this? Unless it broadcasts that I'm playing "Underaged Panty Quest VR: Cute and Funny Adventures", then IDGAF.
Potentially it could.
Just make a second account with no data on it.
Yes I actually want one but I'm never ever making a facebook account again.
if any other accounts are accessed though the same internet connection it automatically links the accounts together.
its pretty much like an Alexia that also records video, hey so if your fine with all that go for it. Just never let it see or hear anything... incriminating.
Kinda sad that Oculus moved from PC VR into mobile territory.
Rift S was pretty damn good.
With Quest I'm a bit more skeptical about battery life and comfort. This one will probably cost above $500 with all of the comfort updates to make it on par with PC VR (battery strap is $130. Link cable is $80 and you're already close to Reverb G2 territory, which may have some decent tracking with 4 cameras now).
Wonder how this new "VR for normies" Facebook strategy will work out.
>With Quest I'm a bit more skeptical about battery life and comfort
You dont need a battery when you have Link ya fucking idiot just use the Link Cable and it turns int Rift S 2
I just got an index idgaf about this smoked meat lizardman visor
It still drains it most of the time (but yeah, battery life is much longer). I doubt that most USB ports would be able to provide enough power for the headset without additional battery drain. Especially with longer cables and usual USB 3/2
The cable is just to sucker idiots in. Buy a ten dollar one, its all the same. Battery strap isn't really required, the comfort one however does look to be needed.
~$400 range. That's definitely better.
Still won't be getting one tho. Pretty happy with Vive Pro. Can't use LCDs after that OLED screen.
I don't want one because I already have a proper PCVR setup. I am slightly upset because the quest (the first one) was the cheapest entry option I could have possibly recommended to poorfag friends interested in vr, but can't anymore, even as second-hand. Until that shit's jailbroken I'll be telling people to stay clear of it.
>Make account specifically for Oculus use
>Facebook later deletes it as "unused" on their end or flags it as fake and requires photo ID to avoid deletion
Here's a potentially very dumb question I don't know where else to ask: I know there's workarounds to get a PSVR HMD working with PC VR games, but what about the other way around? Is there some way to use an Index on a PS4 so I don't have to buy a second headset?
FOV is 90
1,832 × 1,920
>supporting Facebook
>supporting walled gardens
>supporting unnecessary account requirements
>supporting something that limits VR to mobile shit
Nah it can fuck off. Thank God I pulled the trigger on an Index instead of a cuckulus device.
It needs to be priced at 200$ with the "elite strap" before the average normalfag even bother, it's still too early.
>90 FOV
>even less when setting the IPD to 68mm
I have a FB I literally haven't used in years, only added family. I check it every now and then to make sure it hasn't been deleted or hacked it whatever. They're not going to get much out of me. I understand why someone wouldn't want it to be mandatory, though. I'm mostly interested in side loading.
I'm in the 63 range. I'm glad they didn't totally abandon physical IPD adjustment, but I really wish companies would stop cheaping out on that in general and relying on software IPD shit.
Hope you're not thinking of pirating anything. It's obvious zucc hates dev mode, they'll phase it out completely later on.
No, just playing stuff like the RtCW, Half-Life, and Doom 3 mods. If they get rid of side loading I'll immediately sell it.
It was inevitable. VR was never going to take off if you needed to wire it up to an $800+ PC.
We're at the point where the more portable tech is starting to catch up enough to make these. It's the logical direction.
Bros I can't wait until Oct 13
90hz announced to be unlocked day one btw it was just a bug that held it back
>It was inevitable.
Mobile definitely wasn't. I'm actually really surprised. We were developing some VR apps during the first wave of mobile VR (Daydream, GearVR and 6DOF one with Tango devices) and it was an absolute dogshit experience.
Never would've thought that they could pull it off with just mobile performance.
And $800+ wasn't true for quite some time now. Rift S, that was $400 is really good. God-tier lenses. Really good tracking even with bad lighting.
WMR was dogshit, but Samsung Odyssey was great. Awesome OLED display, great sound. Tracking was worse, but still pretty usable.
>almost 4k
>hand tracking including virtual keyboard
>facebook funding a shit ton of games:
>asscreed VR
>splinter cell VR
>medal of Honor VR
>40k battlesisters VR
>myst VR
>jurassic park VR
>port of Walking Dead Saints and Sinners actually looks alright
we win facebook bros