Just platinumed Bloodborne and I'm doing the Root Chalices with all the added shit that I never did
Is it worth going through the DLC bosses again in NG+3? I only played the DLC in NG and I summoned Vatr for Ludwig and Laurence so I could get Vermin from them and max out the League covenant, so I feel like I cheesed those fights. Also I killed Orphan of Kos but did not kill the black thing on Kos and so never saw the ending cutscene. On the other hand every boss has felt much, much easier after NG, maybe I'm overleveled since I only wear Moon runes, currently at level 230ish at the start of NG+3
Also Bloodborne thread
Just platinumed Bloodborne and I'm doing the Root Chalices with all the added shit that I never did
Other urls found in this thread:
>currently at level 230ish
Quick Zig Forums claim your weaponfu
Ds1 hand axe
I want two
The wheel is so fucking dumb. Might as well have made a weapon out of a chair.
Anyway I claim the pizza cutter.
I heard that shit is broken on some boss fights by taking a best pellet and holding L2, how true is that
Best of any From game.
Grinding somebody in to a red skid mark with a fucking haunted carriage wheel is dumb?
>a fucking ayy arm
honestly I don't get it
Very true.
How do you use that against bosses? Do you just spam arrows?
It's damage type is serrated and it can be buffed with fire paper so it's basically a beast shredder. Church pick is similar but for kin type bosses as they're weak to thrust and bolt. Every attack on the church pick is thrust damage and it can be buffed with bolt paper.
Who the fuck is Simon anyway?
Living on the EDGE.
How good is the DLC guys? I've beat this game like 3 years ago but never tried it.
How much content am I missing?
nah m8
You dance like a crazy mofo in and out of range. It's weapon switch is probably the most broken in the game.
It's literally better than the base game
It's that guy you find killed by the guy in the cell that invades you in the DLC
>he dosn't know
Go download it now!
Funny enough Micolash is still the boss that gives me the most trouble. Sometimes I just land on his last phase and he does that fucking star explosion thing and I'm dead in one hit
I recently discovered that he only does that attack if there's distance between you. If you stick to him like a fly around shit and don't let him back off, he won't do it.
Hunter's Nightmare is damn good. The bosses vary from hilariously easy to getting ball-stomped. The areas are crazy. Give it a go.
Level 230? You're gonna steamroll everything, i got to NG+6 with a 120BL character even though i don't play online.
>i summoned valtr for ludwig and laurence
Get ready to get your shit slapped then, ludwig's moves are erratic and his charges have no wind up, laurence is a bit easier but his ground punch has retarded hitbox.
This beauty; third highest base damage, S scaling in strength so i don't waste a gem slot, B scaling in arcane and +20% to beasts in case you wanna turn it into a meme elemental weapon, saw mode stuns most things and the base club form has deceptively long range.
It's easily the best part of the game.
I just nut ama
Beasthunter Saif
>Mfw my BL4 all bosses +DLC run fell apart at Living Failures
>Tried the BBP and Bolt Paper spawn camp skip 500 times
>RNG not on my side
>Completely out of BBP and Bolt Paper
>No insight
>No knowledge
>Only way to proceed is to do the fight normally
>Doing the fight normally involves dancing around chipping away at them every now and then for 45 mins just to get one shotted by a swipe attack
This is the end.
>the BBP and Bolt Paper spawn camp skip
wtf is that
gotcha, I'll get it then.
next month maybe because 20 bucks for a DLC is too much for my poorfag ass
Bought it a year ago when it was $10, it's worth it just for the new weapons.
Everything seems like a rehash of cathedral ward at first, but then you fight the deranged horse and wonder how the fuck bloodborne didn't win game of the year with the cutscene alone.
I personally dont care for the dlc. I play bloodborne a few times yearly since it came out and I pretty much never look forward to playing the dlc. The dlc stuff makes the main game way too easy until the 3rd cycle lol
They only spawn when the one that spawns before it has fully stood up, so if you don't let this one stand up, no more of them will spawn. Unfortunately you're heavily reliant on the other one that is casting shit at you and you want him to keep doing the orbs instead of the stars. Even after a ton of attempts the skip only ever got the boss down to half health so I still had 20 minutes of chipping to do.
Did they confirm this will get 60fps on the PS5 with PS+ "free" collection?