Modern weapons are useless against monsters

>Modern weapons are useless against monsters
>only teenagers with magic powers can defeat them

Why do JRPGs always do this?

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Because its fun

the onset of feminism has pushed for female prominence in combat roles, but due to their inferior physiques, the concept of "magical girls" became popular as a way of making them a threat to men. In general, witchcraft is and was always popular with women who were victims of abuse and needed a way to feel powerful absent any physical means

I am quite enjoying God Eater Resurrection right now. If only Kanon would stop fucking shooting me in the back.

Play God Eater 3.

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>bigass monsters
>"oh no, only human shaped giant robots can beat them!"

>the concept of "magical girls" became popular as a way of making them a threat to men
Huh? They aren't a threat, they are always ready to open their mouth and worship mcs dick.

God, she's such an animal.

Only teenagers with monster dna injected into them that are at a constant risk of being eaten from the inside out because of it can defeat monsters

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You're the one bringing her, you know exactly what you're signing up for.

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So I can look up little girls skirts and get away with it, duh

no Gina no buy

>>only teenagers with magic powers can defeat them
Wasn't it more like "Teenage soldiers who were forcibly/voluntarily selected to undergo severe (and possibly fatal) DNA modification process just to stand a chance against Nanite Monsters"?

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most JRPGs have a combination of primitive weapons, modern weapons and magic

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The games were boring

How is GE3 on Switch? Really enjoyed GE:R and GE2 but I have soft spot for portable and really want to try GE3.

>the strongest guy at the time of the game was 26
>numerous other combatants were 18+
>these are disregarded
A better question to ask is why the people who make statements like this, have tunnel vision that only looks at young teen titties and sees nothing else.

but it's practically 5AM and I'm getting sleepy.

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The more I grinded endgame the more I started to dislike the changes marvelous made. Still got 60 hours out of it though so it was fun.

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Not always

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I got a good 60+ hours out of GE3 and honestly I enjoyed it more than 1 and 2 even if it didn't have the same amount of content. Never finished all of the Certification missions though.
They say anything about working on another one or are they busy with other projects?

They were all teens when they became god eaters

Except for Soma who became one before he was even born.

>material crude weapons are useless against complex interdimensional monsters
>only those pure young and unspoiled have energy to defeat them
Thats how things are in our world.


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Not the same game

Gosh I wanted to stick dick in between Hilda's titties.

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You can sleep when you're dead.
Get to it.

Good to hear.

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How short is GE3 compared to the others?

i did it was okay

I just did
is the rest of the series so stupid with the story?
>only these special AGEs can survive in the ashlands and save us from the crazy monsters that live in it
>great idea: let's treat these vital workers like actual slaves, buying and selling them, and chucking verbal and physical abuse at them
>the procedure that creates them is probably expensive or hard but let's treat them as expendable
>grand plan is to grind them up and put them into big eva robots and you announce this to everyone so they have time to become suicide bombers and go to war
"the non combatants? you mean the women and the children? okay, let's go murder all them."
my fucking god

Horrible game I regret finishing this trash