Unironically what is the appeal?

unironically what is the appeal?

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Cheaper games
Less cancerous fanbase

Nintendo has no sales and their games are for toddlers
Snoy games will be $70 and mostly SJW garbage

It's not Snoy

Most powerful console
Backwards compatibility

Much better thermal performance without throttling.

Game Pass and true 4K unlike Sony

Wtf is the design of this thing lmao

$300 dollar verison for poorfags like me

It makes Snoysuckers like you seethe

An amazing piece of hardware with great features, the best controller, and an amazing price.

No exclusive games tho, so zero point in buying it.

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Tower of power

fridge to appeal to americans


The monolith have granted me my wish

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>copy/pasting PC hardware

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People pre-order ps5 because ps4 was better than xbone, but this is a simp thinking. Ps5 doesn't have anything to offer.


Better exclusives that you can also play on the PC at no extra cost

4k SSX 3
4K Splinter Cell Trilogy
4k Phantom Dust

That's it, and you could already get it on XBone X

There isn't any appeal.

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temporary solution until i can save up for a better pc.

4k Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2, 4k lost odyssey, 4k Skate 3 and Red Dead, also Game Pass

>gamefags polls for sony products


It's just for poorfags
They might as well quit competing in consoles and enhance game pass to destroy snoy first

>the xbox is still a lost odyssey machine despite being one game released over a decade ago
NGZ1/2, Skate and RDR can be emulated on RPCS3. Lost Odyssey is playable on Xenia as well but with bugs. Game Pass is also available on PC. Game Pass is also on PC.

>playing Ninja Ligma 1 and 2
Not even gonna reply


>RDR can be emulated on RPCS3
Why would you emulate the worst version though? Plus no 4K textures

>mostly SJW garbage
someone post the Xbox screaming black woman compilation

Who gives a shit? It's an old game and you can unlock the framerate and use texture mods.

All they need to do is make the online free.
Make Gold be the gamepass with extra content such as
>Special discounts
>Special avatars
>Ability to create dedicated matches
>Exclusive content to certain games (Behind scenes, concept art)
>Exclusive demos
Also try to focus on couch coop, it's not really that hard just put some couch coop games in their catalogs and shill them.
If you do that I swear the prices of this doomed console will rise. People loved the 360 because it was super comfy to play vidya while chatting with your bros.

>Cheaper games
PC has sales all the time, way more than marked up console games

Also available on PC. The Xbox is literally obsolete when you can play Microsoft exclusives on better PC hardware

>Less cancerous fanbase
Sony and Microsoft console fanboys are equally cancerous. Just supporting fucking consoles is inherently cancerous. They don't call it "PC master race" for nothing.
