Stop scrolling and take a picture of your desktop and post it here

Stop scrolling and take a picture of your desktop and post it here.

Attached: desktop.png (1911x1077, 606K)

Attached: Screenshot 9_18_2020 5_25_06 AM.png (1920x1080, 1.57M)

desktop thread that doesn't start with Titus?

I have been here for too long.

Wallpaper please?

Can't post the full thing here, too big for Zig Forums.

Attached: 6f6a3cf010e5c9aa3cebe268f36fc7793dfe3342.jpg (1275x906, 476.53K)

get fucked CIA agent i dont want you snoopin gthrough my filenames

how can you live with white background?

Attached: 5nxfL9l[1].png (1920x1080, 999.74K)

Attached: fart pooo.png (1920x1080, 726.22K)

I usually leave my desktop icons off

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 855.43K)

Why the fuck do you play warthunder?
Are you dense?

Attached: yachie.png (1450x2048, 1.51M)

Attached: desktop.png (3840x2160, 3.23M)

Thanks fren

Attached: file.png (1202x1200, 1.56M)

Attached: dekstop.png (1920x1080, 253.3K)

Attached: desktop.png (1920x1080, 922.81K)


Attached: explorer_JhcyYmC0rK.jpg (1920x1080, 563.33K)

>not having at least 2 meters of screen space

Attached: beeg.jpg (6400x1440, 876.07K)

My future house

Attached: felloweebs.jpg (1920x1080, 241.09K)

Attached: Bliss.jpg (4510x3627, 2.37M)

>different shortcuts for dooms instead of using zdl

Attached: image.jpg (1360x768, 489.18K)

My wallpaper is just a grey color, and I've used it for almost three years.
Now that's something I haven't seen or thought about in a very long time.

Attached: ok...webm (2048x1152, 1.04M)

lol i dont even use those shortcuts since i have gz doom
im bad at desktop management apparently

R8 me m8s

Attached: desktop.png (1400x787, 2.15M)

Attached: 1355490149795.jpg (3360x1080, 417.26K)

My bios corrupted on Monday leading to my raid controller dying so this is a fresh install.

Attached: Cap.jpg (1920x1080, 78.26K)

actually,disregard that one
here is the improved version

Attached: desktop.png (1800x1012, 3.09M)

>overlord 2
>fucking getting over it
>bunch of other wierd games
>too many wack ass word and pdf docs
>fallout RU
fucking russians...

Yeah, I'm kind of a basic bitch

Attached: Screenshot (27).png (1920x1080, 2.38M)

I just use one of the random Windows stock ones. Why are you people so cringe? Who the fuck is even going to see your computer desktop anyways.

i love my slavic wife!

Attached: dsktp.jpg (1920x1080, 419.86K)

>Fistful of Frags
>Medieval Warfare 2
>Mount and Blade
Very based
Good aesthetic fellow Tewichad
Single color desktops are aesthetically pleasing on their own honestly
Home...Also, is that Windows 7, or just Windows 10 reskinned?
How big of a desk do you have for this to work out?
Extremely lewd.
Plain, but decent.
I ran an XFCE setup with that wallpaper once that was nice and I still kick myself for not taking pictures.
>Nue and Seija
Love these little shits
I haven't thought about this game in forever and I only vaguely remember playing it years and years ago on my PS2. I honestly thought it was just a strange dream I had because I could never recall the name of the game until I saw people posting about it years later.

nope,but im an esterneuropoor so its close enough

>fallout RU
i actually have both the normal fallout and the RU version,cause when i got the DLCs for the game it added the RU version along with them instead of adding the DLCs directly to the game

Attached: fallout RU.png (1920x440, 1.06M)

Attached: Untitled.jpg (3720x1440, 1.26M)

Attached: Sep18150352.png (1920x1080, 2.73M)

pfff showoff...


Attached: Desktoppu.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

I have the same wallpaper
All I can say is nice taste