ITT: Gen 9 fears
>The cheaper all digital versions of both consoles will outsell the disk versions by a landslide and all 2022/2023 pro/lite versions will come without a disk drive
ITT: Gen 9 fears
>The cheaper all digital versions of both consoles will outsell the disk versions by a landslide and all 2022/2023 pro/lite versions will come without a disk drive
I might buy a PS5 with a discdrive when it is available for about 250 Eurobucks including one or two games. I refuse to pay the absurd amounts that the companies ask for. I got a brand new Switch six months after release for almost 100 bucks off, which was a fair price, for example.
>Gaming will eventually be all digital
I could've told you it was inevitable a decade ago
Me too but that will probably take years.
The PS4 is still pretty expensive half a year ago.
The price cut with 8th gen in general was much less than with gen 7
>200 bucks more for a disc drive
>On a console with no backwards compatibility
I can see the Xbox surviving with a disc drive but the PS5? Hell no
>Microsoft gets BTFO so hard it quits the console business entire
>Sony turns into the new Nintendo
>Buy 1st iteration of console
>Dont touch it
>Dont go online
>Wait for CFW to develop for it
>Pirate every exclusive
PS5DE is marketing
>can only install 4 games at a time
So what you have to rebuy all your Xbone/360/OG Xbox games digitally? What the fuck
Free SSD space: 800GB + every game will be 200GB+ in size
>every game will be 200GB+ in size
But I dont play Call of Duty
Nintendo win another generation again
be honest you will pirtate first party games on it not indie shit and they will be large
you watch movie games you filthy sonybro. these will be even bigger
I will pirate all of its exclusives movies thank you very much. All 2 of them.
Corporate Overlords getting turned into more of a bunch of greedy bastards than they already are, like Mr Krabs levels of jewish penny pinches
The only way I'd ever buy a digital only console is if there is already CFW for it.
>First wave of CFW releases
>The exploit to install it only works with the disk drive versions only
Screencap this post. Its gonna happen.
if we ever approach a psyical-free world I will stop buying games. Hell, I could stop buying games right now and have enough to play for 5 years. The only reason I constantly buy new games is cause I'm a cuck.
I doubt the PS5 or the Series X will have CFW and its security defeated on a firmware version that quickly, I think it would take a few years unlike Nintendo which takes a few months
If consoles go full digital jew then I have no reason not to go fully pc.
I play on PC and haven't seen a physical game since Windows 98.
I just like having boxes. I know full well that it's dumb. Every time I look at my collection it fills my heart with joy.
They are basically guaranteed to outsell simply by virtue of being cheaper. XBOneX and PS4 Pro are a small percentage of total console sold.
In a fully digital console world, you could collect all the scratch off code cards to download the game.
They'd be like lottery tickets, but you always win something.
Barring a few early version exploits, Switch only got CFW because of Fusee Gelee, which wasn't Nintendo's fault to begin with. There's still no softmod solution for v2 Switch or Switch Lite and there may never be.
I would say that sounds depressing but to be honest collecting is already a shadow of its former self. All my PSX->Gamecube era games have full colour manuals, sometimes with fun comics and other lore dumps. Now you're lucky if you get an advert for a different game in the box along with a disc that doesn't really do anything except verify your installation.
>Sony turns into the new nintendo
So sony will start releasing games for autistic kids and manchildren?
I could never be a collector because (incoming "collector" nightmare fuel story) its just too much.
My entire childhood to early adulthood collection of games and consoles from SNES, to 360, to original DS, was destroyed in a flood that wrecked my parents basement while I was away at college. Parents were away visiting other family for a few days so who knows how long the place was flooded for. Dad said he tried to plug in some of the stuff to see if it still worked once they were dry. Nothing even turned on.
fuck man, I'm so sorry.
They already do