Who didn't buy this? I sure didn't

Who didn't buy this? I sure didn't.

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I didn't, I'll play it when it's "free" though.

I didn’t even play the first one.

I don't play degenerated games.

im not an underage fag who plays on consoles

I did. I like the survival gameplay in some arenas. The story was decent enough for me. I wish they added back the multiplayer tho that thing was fun in the first game.

Omg op are you butt hurt, this game is for the lgbt community bot some cave men incels

I did. At full price. With hard earned money.

Waiting for price drop, I'm not paying $60 for this, gameplay looks kinda fun though

I didn't buy it. Not because it lives rent free in my head and I'm offended by the trannies, big women, and joe getting btfo'd. I just genuinly don't care.

I bought it used for 35$ :D

Are you from ResetEra?

I didnt but not because of the false flag politics; I just dont care for the whole "man vs zombies" genre

Upon months of reflection I’ll have to admit that this scene was kino

I love this game because it made Zig Forums actually make some OC for the first time in a long time.

I bought it at launch and played 1 and 2 back to back and it was kino.

On the surface TLoU is one of the kind of games I like (survival setting with stealth and crafting mechanics), but I never bought into the hype of the first one and I was happy to only watch the SBFP let's play. Of course, then the second one was a confirmed trashfire since the first leaks.
But I highly recommend Internet Historian's livestream of 2, shit is hilarious:
And this is the last half hour of gameplay uncut, ripped from Twitch:

Shock value aside I'm pretty dam sure something happen during the development process and something has been cut without anyone know it.
The story is a mess, the pacing is messy. If ND wants Abby to be the main character they should've add more in her ark, everything about her seem rush.

I watched Aris play it and I'm certain I had more fun that way than if I had played it myself, since I would've dropped it within the first hour.

I sold my PS4 last year when I realized its a 28fps machine with no games.

No, I found 1 rather boring mechanically and dropped it after you get helped by that gay guy. Not sure if the game got better.

I've seen enough of 2 to know I hate it.

I didn't.
I didn't play the first game because it looks boring. I did get it for free on PSN but i don't know if 'll bother at this point.
2 looks even worse.

I wouldn't buy TLOU2 anyway because I don't respect it. Sorry but PR DOES matter and a lot game devs just get it. As a rule of thumb, is stay away from games that get a lot of bad press; unless it's a game I actually am excited for.
Also, OP's image; this kind of blatant hypocrisy regarding sexuial censorship in Sony published games is a fuckin' joke. They're gonna cover up anime tiddies, change scripts, and and even cut minor gameplay features from all these shitty anime waifu games BUT they will allow this fucking tranny filth?

Game is getting outsold by Mario kart after 2 months on the market

No-one but the most dedicated sonytrannies bought this shit

it was fallout 76 all over again, I didn't play a second of it and yet I managed to get hours of entertainment out of it

I won't pay full price for any ps4 games. Every big release it's always marketed and astroturfed hard. So hard that nobody cares a week after release.

Is this game good? I enjoyed the mix of combat stealth of the first one a lot. I also was impressed of the brutal animations.

I haven't played a Naughty Dog game after original Crash Team Racing came out. However, I did watch Internet Historian's playthrough.

even normies found out what a piece of dishonest, subverting kike propaganda shit this dreck was and stayed away

haha funi musclegirl look like man!

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Even if it free still won’t play it

I got it for 25 used

I played it on XboneX via the youtube app.
The game was slightly better than I thought honestly

Have sex.

I did. I love Ellie

I watched it on youtube on 2x speed

At least the week of OC after this game released was a golden period for Zig Forums

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That's how I experienced it as well
That assisted mode made it hilarious

I did. Sexscene was cringe, but not more than any other sex scene in games ever. Story was meh, the outrage was pretty retarded and you know most fags only read the leaks and were hating cause they thought abby is trans and they couldnt handle muh vidyadaddy dying.
Gameplay is good and it looks kino

I paid a dollar for every bit of gameplay that I experienced.

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I don't buy from modern naughty dog or most snoy first party. 95% is jap games never played uncharted or last of shit Snoy 5 is dead for me after censor and westernisation of final fantasy

>westernisation of final fantasy
Fucking finaly the japs are learning about game design from their betters