>Play TF2
>Random puts a votekick on me for scamming
>Everyone votes yes
>Go to another game
>Same happens to someone else
>Try to vote no
>Everyone still votes yes
>Another game
>Obvious aimbot(cat-bot)
>Ask enemy to kick him
>"He isn't hacking lol"
>People leave our team
>Cat-bot gets autobalanced on our team
TF2 is impossible to play anymore.
Play TF2
If you try to play casual, it will be shit
>join tf2 server
>hear the votekick sound instantly upon joining
>didn't get the chance to pick a character, votekicked for cheating
Try community servers. There's an entire extra game's worth of maps and gamemodes out there.
too bad all the community runs is cp_orange, 2fort, and minecraft meme maps
Not him, I kinda like creators.tf, but 9 times out of 10 you'll be forced to play on some obscure shitty map, and all I want to play is Badwater, Dustbowl, Upwards, Harvest and Suijin
rip mario_kart
>haven't played much tf2 since orange box
>join random server
>pestered like you wouldn't believe because i have the best halloween hat of all time in my inventory
>entire server stops playing
>surrounds me, asking me what i want for the hat
>"g-guys i just want to play 2forts"
>word seems to have spread
>my friendslist notifications won't stop filling up
>everyone wants the hat
I've had to hide my profile just so these spergs stop looking through my inventory
All I wanted was to play some 2forts but that's not happening it seems.
What hat? I always wonder if some of the old shit I have is worth anything at all, I just got it randomly while playing
>Get bot on my team
>Press No during votekick
>Other team seethes hard
Nothin personnel kids that's just how this game is these days.
>all the servers running fun and interesting maps are dead
>alternative gamemodes like dodgeball are nearly extinct
>even fuckaround maps like achievement and trade maps are getting watered down and losing all the fun little secrets that made them interesting even if you don't want to trade/grind achievements
Casual mode fucking murdered this game
Give us the hat, nigger
the fuck is it, a stormy 13th hour crone's dome? unless it's a limited time unusual nobody should be so poor that they care about shit like a voodoo juju
Looks like a tophat, appearance wise it's identical to every years version, but mine is supposedly the oldest one. I have no clue either about these things, but they're throwing basically every item in the game (together, at the same time) just for it. I considered it just to play around with all the items, but chose to ignore them instead.
just toss it on the market for easy steam funbucks
>games perfect without bots
>topscoring, carrying the whole team and protecting my medic as heavy
>has a blast from months
>10 sec left
I think it's your gibus
I only have one of these, judging by the name it's probably not old/original enough to be worth anything.
Everyone in Australian matchmaking can differentiate between a bot initiated vote kick and a vote kick initiated against a bot, and people will always votekick a bot as soon as possible. Have you tried not being a foreigner shitcunt?
It's worth a dollar and 40 cents on marketplace.
American server learn some American
It says not marketable right there at the bottom bucko
backpack.tf shows that the Ghastlierest Gibus is like worth about $1.40, but because refined is so worthless compared to the dollar, it's worth like ~28 refined.
needing bots to win on hat simulator? fag
I really, really, really like this image.
this is one of the most passive aggressive replies i have ever seen on this website
fuck off. you people are the equivalent of those people that deflect all criticism of a game with "just use (buggy) mods lol"
>want to play good community server
>join skial
>its just 24/7 2fort with INSTANT respawns (gay)
Give me a good server to join
if you had a vintage one it'd be worth several hundred dollars
Skial but just fucking LOOK at the map you are joining, they have like 1 2fort server.
Creators.tf is good and pretty new, although Zig Forums seems to have a vendetta against them for some reason.
You are clinically retarded. Community servers were the way to go before they added matchmaking. From this second on it's clear that you are an underage faggot who came to this site to vent his sexual frustration. Begone fucking closet homo and fuck your hand.
There are no community servers that have dustbowl. Creators just have payload and 5cp with some gimmicks.
What's the gimmick of ceators servers? I've just noticed nominating maps and scramble. Additionally people who pay money to them get their name in a grey colour.