Why the fuck does nobody ever talk about this game? The show was pretty popular and I still see people talk about it from time to time, but barely anybody ever talks about this game. I personally find it really good. It's a fun beat-em-up esque fighting game and it even had the Brains song in it. I also found it a lot of fun to play and the stages were cool with how they would change during the middle of the fights. This deserves to be played more. It may not be a masterpiece or one of the best games, but for a licensed game, it's better than it has any right to be
Why the fuck does nobody ever talk about this game...
The creator of the show is broke now and had to sell his furnitures and puppets to pay the bills and mortgage.
Sad story actually.
>Why does no-one talk about licenced shovelware
I wonder.
Damn. That sucks. Frylock is homeless I heard
It is a licensed game, but I wouldn't call it shovelware. It may be on the outside, but it's actually a very fun game and it manages to be different from other fighting games
This game was genre defining
He is but that's because he house got fucked up. It's still unfortunate but its not like hes living on the street, I think people crowdfunded money or something
Was this on a system with a real controller?
Discount Invader Zim.
I hated this show, but man was the Brains episode good.
It's not even remotely similar to Invader Zim.
People only talk about that one Powerstone clone with Shrek skins even though this one with Billy and Mandy is vastly superior.
For me it's one of the best licensed games of all time.
Good taste, user.
The episode where they killed Brian Griffin was too much imo, stopped watching it after that.
*kills your show*
>Why the fuck does nobody ever talk about this game?
what's there to say about it? it's 10 year old shovelware game locked to a long-dead system.
I've always wondered what happens to these cartoon creators who had moderate success with one or two things, but never hit it SUPER big.
Like, they can't all go become college professors.
>that cover
buenos, imbecil, etc...
Wait a sec, Maxwell is broke? I haven't heard jack about him since Trepanation of the Skull and that one cartoon he wanted to crowdfund. What happened there?
One of the best party games I've ever played. I don't think there's much to talk about though.
I wouldn't call it shovelware. There was passion behind it
Garbage gross out humour full of twisted imagery and messaging, too bad your parents were too dumb to notice this crap.
Watching this show as an adult is a whole new world.
It has so many dirty jokes I'm surprised it aired on Cartoon Network.
It's weird how I hate gross out humor, yet Ed Edd N Eddy and Billy & Mandy are two of my favorite cartoons. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
>Got his first major gig writing on Cow & Chicken and I Am Weasel and were behind some of the best episodes
>Later went on to make Billy & Mandy which became one of CN's biggest hits and lasted for years
>Leaves CN, started out 2010s strongly and worked on Fish Hooks
>Spends fucking 7 years working on a Kickstarter featuring puppets, did not make any cartoons in the meantime
>It shuts down to due Union contracts, and he can't make more, this was in early 2020
>7 years wasted, is low on money due to not working on anything animation related
>Has to sell his puppets and furnitures in order to pay the mortgage and bills
He went from hit to shit
I broke a controller in rage when I played this game. I was desperately trying to unlock the Hellraiser rip off guy. I lost to something, got pissed off and slammed the PS2 controller. This was when I was 10. I regret it.
Still the best Billy and Mandy game.
Jesus Christ how horrifying. I hope he can get another job at animation or just anything well-paid because he deserves better than going down like this.
Ok Christkek
I like Billy & Mandy but hated the gross out parts, even as a kid. Everything else was entertaining enough to keep me hooked. Same for Kids Next Door. Always hated Ed Edd N Eddy though.
>that one cartoon network show you always turned off the tv or switched channel for
What was it?
>7 years
He did it to himself. What the fuck was he thinking?
I knew it would be here, and you're correct