Will China overtake Japan gaming industry?
Will China overtake Japan gaming industry?
They will overtake the world.
Look at fucking Tencent, they're everywhere.
Why do they look more hot with those clothes covering everything?
I always though kimono were kinda hot.
It's covering everything but it's both cute and sexy, might just be me.
You ever look at traditional Chinese painting? It started out better than what Europeans were doing in the medieval but stayed the same for like 600 years. If anything slightly degraded. Or for example they never learned the earth revolved around the sun and was round until westerners told them, even though they probably could have figured it out if they tried. Even then they didn't fully absorb the idea and update their astronomy until the weight of scientific consensus forced them.
I used to think things like this were a historical hiccup. But now I'm more sure it's something innate in the Chinese genome. They trend towards conservative stasis and formula. They're going back to the old dynasty ways of social isolationism and cultural chauvinism already. They block all games and media that will compete with their local stuff too hard or offends the party bureaucrats. They censor outside information. It's not a place for innovation.
So no.
do chinese even understand what gameplay is?
>They block all media that will compete with their local stuff too hard
jfc imagine typing this as a cracker
no, their entire industry is going to emulate AAA cancer because all they care about is money. There is no artistic or creative cultural base for a healthy game industry to grow.
>They trend towards conservative stasis and formula.
>They're going back to the old dynasty ways of social isolationism and cultural chauvinism already.
>They block all games and media that will compete with their local stuff too hard or offends the party bureaucrats.
>They censor outside information.
Protecting from the globohomo muttization of the west while growing up at lightspeed in all fields.
>b-but muh freedom!!
How can a country be this based?
Ok, Chang
With shit like genshin impact? lol no
China consume trash. Same with India. No soul.
Like fucking cockroaches
Made for BBC
>All the retards that unironically thought they were getting a 3080 at launch
I want to overtake those cute girls!
japan is kinda fun just because you'll randomly see people walking around in traditional clothes like that
The only people you'll see dressing up like that are chink tourists and people working for some attraction.
that is what unironically destroyed the value of Western women in the eyes of dudes globally and why guys go to Asia to find wives. Don't ruin jap girls too you ape.
Not until a major culture shift in China and I'll tell you why.
>Chinese gamers prefer mobile and browser games.
>Said games are P2W cash vacuums that start up and shut down by the dozens every week,.
>Any game that isn't F2P barely sells with the exception of something like CS:GO, and they barely have any games approved in-country to begin with.
>Companies that start up from the country don't want to take risks on big games because the domestic market won't buy it, they'll either pirate it or wait until they can pirate it with a handful buying it at best. They rely entirely on the foreign market if they want to sell their game at all.
>Unless it's a passion project like that one Xbone FPS game or the Wukong game you're either going to have to convince Tencent to fund you or convince someone out of country to support you because the thing is volatile.
Until Chinese gamers in China actually start paying for games instead of throwing their money into the fire of F2P games and ditch bootleg copies it's not going to happen. The internal issues are too ingrained into the culture. It would take decades to overturn it and at best you're only going to get passion projects which HAVE to target the foreign market, get the support of Tencent, be F2P, or make nothing. Hell, even that BotW ripoff is a F2P.
That's literally impossible and that was before US sanctions came down on China. At no point in media history has China ever been an innovator on the global stage. Even the Kung Fu genre was snuck out of the country Marco Polo style thanks to Bruce Lee, and they murdered him over it.
China can only be dragged into the 21st century and they will kick and scream Western subversion the entire way.
do you realize that asian women despise black people in general?
disney had to remove boyega from the Starwars posters and reduce his importance to the movies because it was making asians to instantly loss interest in the movie
Jap girls are pure.
this. the chinkroach will become the global hegemon in our lifetime. If you guys think living in a world run by the US is bad, just wait till we're living in a world run by the chinkies
Low IQ detected.
t. post typed by chinese hands
chankoro niggers are currently drowning and will face food shortages this winter
Vietnam will beat China, let alone Japan.
when will the 3 gorges damn finally fucking break and rid us of these meddlesome chinks?
Anyone with standards won't go for this outdated farming equipment
Thankfully never. Not without fixing all of the above.