In all honesty is this the worst thing Nintendo has ever released?

in all honesty is this the worst thing Nintendo has ever released?

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donkey con tropical freeze was the worst game they made

Not even close, zoomer.

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No but this is the worst thread you ever made

Mario Sunshine? Yeah


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Fuck you, I still enjoy that game.

Yeah I gotta second this. 3DAS is disappointing but at least it didn’t kill the franchise

Pokemon Sword & Shield

For me it's the quality soundtrack.


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Hell no

It's one of the shittiest collections bundles to ever exist though, specially in a time where remakes and remasters are like $40 max.
The collection is literally just VC but restricted to 3 games that can't be purchased separately and like 3x the cost. Also, with time limit to purchase because I don't fucking know
Not to mention that they used the soulless version of 64 for no fucking reason

>and remasters are like $40 max.
And tend to be remade from the ground-up.
Or at least done as in-engine remasters where they polish the fuck out of the game and make them presentable at a modern resolution.

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>Not to mention that they used the soulless version of 64 for no fucking reason

>no gay bowser
>no wahooo! wahooo! wa-wa-wa-wwwwwwwwwwwAHOOOOOO

Pretty damn soulless if you ask me. My favorite Mario 64 childhood memory was learning about BLJ

Pic related.
This is what Galaxy looks like vs. what it could have looked like.

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My chip is on the Nintendo 64 system as a whole; if the company's higher-ups weren't that stubborn back then, they would have avoided literally creating one leg of their videogaming competition all by itself

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It's a big upgrade from what they released 10 years ago.

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Demons souls is $70 and it’s a worse game than all 3 of these.

Isn't it the same thing? Just 3 rom/iso slapped together and sold as a bundle

It sure is, if your idea of "playing videogames" is console war shitposting on Zig Forums.

Literally 1 SNES ROM slapped onto a disc. At least here you get some decent enhancements, like Sunshine and Galaxy in full HD and widescreen.

I like how people always say rom/iso like it isn't the data that people ripped from nintendo 1:1.
What exactly should it be instead?

Either rebuild the game from scratch in a new engine, or keep the original engine and overhaul the models/textures so much that it's barely recognisable.
An example of the former would be the new Spyro and Crash remakes. The latter is what Grezzo did for OoT3D and MM3D, and what Monolith did for Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive; they each took the original game and polished it to a mirror sheen.

Because here's the thing.
This package is shit value
>Bayonetta 1 was packaged with Bayonetta 2 as a freebie; this could have been a pack-in with the SM3DW port
It's not comprehensive
>missing the DS version of SM64, 3D Land, and most egregiously Galaxy 2
And they barely tried
>64 and Sunshine are emulated, Galaxy is a pseudo-emulated hackjob made by nVidia for the chinese market to be played on a Shield TV; the only thing Nintendo did was patch motion controls BACK IN

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>OP literally puts a one liner there
>this game sux
>no reasoning no nothing
>people reply and argue with that asshole
Brainlets, all of you.

>rebuild game from scratch
>release exact same game as before
why bother doing anything honestly

Nice big year end release you got there, tendies. KWASJC

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No way

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Passion and artistic integrity.
Xenoblade Definitive was originally much more modest in scope. It's only because the dev team put in extra hours and showed pride in their work that it saw the level of polish seen in the final release.

That's the difference. Nintendo didn't even try with this shitty rompack. Mario is supposed to be their precious baby and they whored it out for a buck.

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The only winning move is not to play.

>64 has gfx emulation issues and noticeable input lag
>Sunshine has a ton of very noticeable frame drops and fluidity of controls is sacrified due to analogue triggers. Controls can't be remapped, debug cubes in special stages due to poor emulation as well as audio issues
>Galaxy is the only game that plays nicely at 1080p, 60 FPS with a nice-feeling substitute for the Wii remote
How the fuck did it come to this? All they had to do was source port 3 games and add QoL changes such as blue coin checklist to Sunshine, widescreen to 64 and 60 FPS to each. Instead they jerked around with a shitty emulator that you fucking know they're not going to use because the Switch is already halfway through its life cycle

No botw and the entire metroid series exist

Oh fire emblem too

It's a fantastic compilation, you retard. Seethe more.