What's the Zig Forumserdict on Wolfenstein (2009)? Most people seem to say it sucks...

What's the Zig Forumserdict on Wolfenstein (2009)? Most people seem to say it sucks, but it feels like there's been a recent vindication of the game after the recent Youngblood flop. Personally, I'm in the latter camp. Using your Veil powers effectively to take down a platoon of enemies is really fun.

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It sucks

breddy good, I liked playing it as a teen when it first came out.
Just getting to upgrade your guns between missions in the town and scrounging for whatever those token things were, I can't remember, that was the shit.

it was fine back in the 360 era but it's absolutely unplayable nowdays with that fucking camera movement

I feel like they made the Veil abilities OP on purpose because they knew they fucked up with the weapon upgrade system. Once the novelty wears off of your gold finally being useful, it kind of hurts replayability having to take 10 minutes to find all the gold in one of the Midtown sections of the hub, which you really need to find in order to factor out the recoil on all your automatic weapons. Once you get the Empower ability and are able to use it effectively, it makes all the damage buff upgrades useless. Still, you need to find enough gold to upgrade your Veil, ammo capacities, and recoil compensators like I mentioned, because even with all your abilities, you'll be SOL in the later levels when you're taking on a few of these bad boys, plus a Drache Trooper and those jetpack faggots.

I just wish they made the weapons super buffed and powerful from the get-go, and then had you find some gold to upgrade your Veil abilities more instead, kind of like F.E.A.R. with the reflex boosters.

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>next Wolfenstein game
>tfw you've found alternate universes where every other WWII side has discovered the Jew tech
>one universe there's Cy-bear cavalry Soviets
>another universe there's laser-sword robot samurai
>now I've accidentally lead all of them to my timeline
>mfw I've accidentally caused WWIII in my world
Welp, at least they'll help against the Nazis

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It's all around superior to anything ID / Zenimax has created ever since.


i liked it
i never even knew people disliked it until i looked up reviews of it afterwards (i just pre ordered it because i liked wolfenstein)

at least fucking say how it's false you fucking donut

I played it on PC just a couple years back, and it was glorious.