Why are love interests in videogames never over 25?

Why are love interests in videogames never over 25?

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christmas cake balashseidkwsjeidekisismedjsmdnnej

nobody likes used goods

Christmas cakes are 25

sooooo how viable is my plan to bag myself a japanese lady in her late twenties and early thirties?
asking for myself

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CCs are always portrayed as being virgins so it doesnt really count

Very viable but you will regret it

the best one is over 100 though. and will stay hot for centuries

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Henry is a based cunnyseur.

Because women turn into weird grandmas after they turn 26yo.

Persona 5 lets you date several old hags and it's fucking wonderful

just imagine that BBC and hot much cum passes through it over 1000 years

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because women literally start to DECOMPOSE once they hit 25 at a proportionally increasing speed

14 is peak age for women, everyone knows it

because that's old enough to plausibly be someone's mother. 26 used to be the average age for a first child (it's 30 now).

then you have this amazing redhead that's between 30-40

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or a sexy mommy that's also around 100

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>roasties mad the 1% Chads are going for young, but legal pussy
try raising the AoC to 25 you dried up cunts I dare you

Every single image posted in this thread is videogame related

What if it does happen

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post sauces already

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society collapses

steve carson

I'm guessing hey only fuck them. Have you tried to talk to someone under 25 recently? They're all retarded.

Not attacking you, but how

Rising it to 18 already did enough damage.

Okay can someone tell me how this has so many likes
Those women are above the age of consent, so I don't see a problem with this?

You don't enjoy talking to 9 year old girls?

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I don't enjoy talking to anyone under 25 or so. Their brains aren't done growing.

Roasties over 30 with dried up pussies seething at celebrity men for fucking/dating women better looking and younger than them.

gotta keep moving the goal post or else you may start blaming yourself

You talk as it ever changes for women.

Women think it's predatory even though these guys are only getting pussy because of money and status that bitches crave.