Ps5 sold out instantly on almost every single site that was selling them

>ps5 sold out instantly on almost every single site that was selling them
>go to ebay
>people are selling them between $800 to $1000 a system.

this is literally worse than the switch scalpers jesus. why do retailers let people buy like 5 of a system?

Attached: 1585836689604.webm (460x460, 1.23M)

Why do retards pay 1k instead of waiting?

Why don't you wait for a year or so instead of pulling your hair out and ruining your livelihood over a console with 0 worthwhile games?

>Wait one year
>Any major hardware faults ironed out
>System software has been bugfixed and refined
>More games to play than just launch titles
Are zoomers really this impatient

Zoomers don't have the money to pay scalpers. If you want to blame generation's try x and/or millenials.

This. It's stupid consoomer behavior

>buy ps5 on the official launch day
>have to play ps4-tier graphics game for 5 years before the 1st game capable of using the PS5 capabilites comes out

>2 years after PS4 launch
>Fallout 4 comes out
>Love Fallout games so decide to buy PS4
>Buy PS4 with MGS Phantom Pain
>MGS PP : complete bland shit but cool graphics
>Fallout 4 : horrible game with zoomer base building shit , didn't even finished it
I won't make the same mistake

You'll miss all the discussion

How do scalpers get so many orders while legitimate customers can't get a single one?

Scalpers are scum-sucking parasites and I genuinely wish the worst for all of them.

Nah, I'll still be here to shit on your opinions.

They were in stock for like 10 hours in Germany

lmao, a bunch of snoys crying that PS5 has nogayms

>cool graphics

>Zig Forums giving financial advice

I don't care how basic it is don't listen to retards on here.

Well it was compared to PS3 games or even Fallout 4 PS2 animation

Do people really want to play Niggerman and "some retards" interpretation Demons Souls this much?

>ruining your livelihood
Do you not even understand what words mean?

wheres the buldge

I was honestly expecting a chubby dude


>why do retailers let people buy like 5 of a system
why wouldnt they?
their goal is to sell product, no matter to who

Who the hell would buy a PS5 over a SeX anyway? PS5 has no games

Sony's fanbase is mostly Afro Americans, they want it.

imagine being so thirsty that a tshirt sets you off lmao, poor fucker

Scalpers are so numb-brained, they see potential profits in any new release. Even when they're numerous competing for the same few impatient kids who were too slow themselves. They just see listings of 1000$ PS5s and think they can do the same, ignoring supply & demand.

why do retards keep buying consoles

this is a guy isnt it

Bros..i need a name...
I wanna sniff her pussy so bad please tell me

>chapotrannies BTFO

PS5 or a deluxe escort for the evening...
Hmm, I can't decide.


Get fucked fags I got 3 PS5‘s and I’m selling them for $800 (digital) and $950 (physical).
Why didint you do the same?

But that body, bro...

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This. I always spend the first year working through my backlog of games from the previous generation. I've done that shit since I was a teenager since I could never afford the new console immediately as soon as it released and the price of used games from the last gen always plummets whenever the new one comes out. So I'd always buy all the games that interested me for pennies and eventually grab the next gen once I ran out of stuff to play and saved up enough money.

Is that gasayeva?

Scalpers are truly scum. I like buying figurines and it's so bad sometimes that there are products that you literally cannot buy because scalpers will buy from scalpers just to raise the price even further. Even if you were willing to pay the increased price you can't because scalpers are constantly buying shit from each other. And now scalpers are scalping pre orders. The analogue pocket got scalped 10 minutes after launch and that's a product that doesn't even exist yet. Scalpers are scalping products that they do not even have themselves.

same reason pay 70 dollars for games upon release.