Lets get this Friday started.
Lets get this Friday started.
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Not the usual picture, but here we go:
Wasteland 3, FFXII
Linkin Park
A sandwich and water.
Okay. Got new bars for my braces, and they’re scraping up my cheeks, though.
I might try to finish Final Fantasy 8 before the Black Ops Alpha unlocks today. I might squeeze in some Kingdoms of Amalur before bed, it's very comfy.
Sumo wrestling while I eat breakfast. Clannad and maybe a One Piece movie or two before bed later.
Talking Heads, Purple Mountains. Podcasts. Welcome to the NHK and other anime ost on flac.
Anki cards
Rice crispies with toasted almond coconut milk and stevia. Caramel tea instead of coffee today.
Pretty comfy so far.
I think I have to restart this because I screwed up my characters so badly.
it's always been my dream to bust on some girls braces
Deep Rock Galactic
Gorillaz, Demon Days
Way of the house husband & Fire Punch
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Too early in burgerland
Pretty okay week so far. I saw some pretty horrid images the other day due to curiosity, luckily I forgot the majority of them by now.
How you've been liking wasteland? I though it was alright.
>Deep Rock Galactic
wish I wasn't broke and could play this. Is it any fun sinpleplayer?
>Fire Punch
Trying to finish Super Meat Boy but if I get annoyed I'll play something dumb
Need some albums to test my new sound system. Any ideas?
Drinking some Brewdog Lost Lager and might order takeout later.
Pretty tired overall. Currently self isolating as one of my friends tested positive for COVID
>Is it any fun singleplayer?
It's definitely designed for multiplayer though I can see it still being fun singleplayer.
>Need some albums to test my new sound system
I knew a guy who worked with installing speakers and he'd always soundcheck with rage against the machine's first album. Said the mixing on it was immaculate. I personally like to break my headphones in with Jeff Buckley's grace or nine inch nail's the fragile.
maybe ill give it a pirate
are the biomes as diverse as people say?
emu export
pre g
F-Zero GX, Metal Gear Solid 3, and Wario Land 4. Planning on going for the FOXHOUND rank in MGS3 this weekend since I've never gotten it.
Space Ghost Coast To Coast and The Brak Show
OK Computer and Kid A from Radiohead
Moby Dick
Cheese pizza with Dr. Pepper
Kinda bad. I ended up cutting myself last night, but a friend of mine helped me feel better. Other than that, nothing interesting is happening.
I gotta get back to FFXII. I own it on PS2 (the american release), but should I just go for the Zodiac Age?
>Talking Heads
Based. Favorite album? I like Remain In Light the best. Such a great album.
>Need some albums to test my new sound system. Any ideas?
London Calling by The Clash and Sticky Fingers by The Rolling Stones. If you're feeling particularly hipster, The Queen Is Dead by The Smiths and Kid A by Radiohead are good picks.
>I gotta get back to FFXII. I own it on PS2 (the american release), but should I just go for the Zodiac Age?
The fast froward feature alone is worth it. The battle system is slow as fuck normally
wrong picture
havent really been in the mood to game recently, maybe Witcher 3 if get the urge to do so
Gaming stuff on YouTube
Zig Forums
gonna get some McDonalds later
Just blew a load to an asian model wearing a skirt suit
Okay, gonna pre-order the Xbox Series S on Tuesday and gonna get some shit done for College over the weekend
Spelunky 2
I was watching some old episodes of Jeopardy
My Jap happy hardcore playlist
The tyranny of metrics
Steak and a red wine sauce
Pretty middling. I haven't worked for two months, but have the savings to get by for another 6. It's just a shame to see the pot of money I was saving to go do a masters get depleted.
>Old episodes of jeopardy
What do you mean old? Like a year or two or like 80s-90s old. I've been wanting to watch old ass jeopardy just so I wouldn't get all the pop culture references but don't know where to find episodes that old that aren't on some shitty anime streaming type website.
>are the biomes as diverse as people say?
Not really, they're mostly pallet swaps, a few have some gimmicks, like sandstorms.
Online poker and milfy city
Lil peep's songs about wanting to kms
Literally nothing
Oats, rice and meat, rice and a can of sardines, 4 eggs. Every day for months
Hope i die soon
>Lil peep's songs about wanting to kms
pretty gay desu
thats a shame
not enjoying the neet life?
>wrong picture
gayest person in this thread
>Based. Favorite album?
They're all good but I love 77 the most unless stop making sense counts.
I normally call you a faggot for being a crybaby about the haruhi thread that time but I hope you're okay Spike-user
I feel like something story based. Like a CRPG.
Star Trek Voyager
Manchester Orchestra
Dune, but I'm struggling to get through it. Not because of the book but because I think I have ADHD
Just had soup. Was neat.
Pretty fuckin' low. I lost my job due to Corona in mid july, and it's been really hard finding anything new. There's jobs to apply for but each has like 300-400 applicants and I'm just not getting anywhere. I even applied for stuff below my experience and pay grade just to get back on the horse (and climb up with a new company) but I have this horrible gut feeling that no-one gives a shit about hiring a guy in his early 30s for any sort of entry level role. I got a rejection yesterday for an assistant position to a job similar to what I used to do, saying that other candidates were more qualified. I don't know how much more qualified I can be.
Anyway, video games look neat right now. Any recs for a good RPG I can lose myself in?
>Any recs for a good RPG I can lose myself in?
I've been enjoying this kingdoms of amalur rerelease. I totally missed it when it first came out but it's really solid. I wouldn't reccomend buying it though, find an old copy or pirate it.
>not enjoying the neet life?
I am, I do contract work so I usually take a few months off a year anyway, but that's with future worked already lined up. In normal times I'd go hiking and sailing in my time off, but we're pretty locked down here still, so I can't.
I was one of the few people who played it when it came out. It's good fun.
hmm, do you like the Persona games? They're insanely immersive. I can lose a whole day to them.
I do actually! I'm currently playing through Persona 5 but annoyingly it's down in the living room which my flatmate is currently using as his office.
Thanks for the recs though, I'm probably going to just hit up Dragon Quest XI on my PC. The music and Toriyama art always cheers me up.
Insurgency Sandstorm, Hades, might buy Ori and the will of the wisps if its good.
Diamond Cobra vs the White Fox
Childhood's end by Arthur C. Clarke
Spinach and goatcheese omelette with homemade waffles and Decaf coffee.
Good, finished my night shift and I'm off work for the weekend. Gaming time baby!
>Dragon Quest XI
good call user. Wish I could have pointed out something less obvious to you.
>Gaming time baby!
Also readan Industrial Society and Its Future
>They're all good but I love 77 the most unless stop making sense counts.
77 is pretty great. I'd probably put that as third for me with second being Speaking In Tongues, which I slightly prefer just for This Must Be The Place. I love that song so much.
>spoiler text
Yeah that was retarded of me. I'm doing okay today, although the day just started. I picked up Mario 3D All Stars at least, so my brother was coming to my apartment to play it with me.
You should try to see David Byrne live if you ever get the chance. I went on a whim because he was doing rehersal shows for his broadway run in my city and it was amazing. I could have cried hearing some of those talking heads songs live.
Don't worry about it, hope you enjoy your bro time. Haruhi and Spike bless
Kero Blaster
AFI top 100
Penguin Cafe Orchestra, Nick Drake, Änglagård
Brave New World, Dune, Edgar Alan Poe selected works
Lactose-free blueberry yogurt, carb-cut protain drink
Nostalgic, somewhat restless, loving the season
How is Byrne's solo stuff? I listened to American Utopia I think it was called, and it was pretty good, but compared to Talking Heads, I found it on par with stuff like True Stories or More Songs About Buildings and Food, so the middle stuff in their catalogue in terms of quality.
Persona 2 Innocent Sin
Chopin nocturnes
making sausage rolls, will have those in a bit
earl grey
chubby girls
Just took a fat shit, felt amazing. Other than that I'm going to uni in a few days, am nervous but excited.
Also I fucking love autumn bros
Those are some fantastic games my man, good luck with the FOXHOUND rank. Take good care of yourself
>Steak and a red wine sauce
lucky bastard
>tfw havent taken a truly satisfying shit in days
It's pretty good, I like the album he did with St Vincent a lot. He does a mix of solo and heads songs live and they all fit nicely together.