Huh? PS5? Oh sorry, I prefer japanese games myself, I think I'll pick up a switch instead

Huh? PS5? Oh sorry, I prefer japanese games myself, I think I'll pick up a switch instead.

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What is the point of buying a PS5 ?

That's rude. You could at least look at someone in the eyes and take off your headphones when talking to them.

The PChad will own all of these games and will get to play them with the best settings.

I literally can't think of a single reason
Sony is dead

Unless you like amercian garbage, I have nothing.

too cry about it on th internet

>Huh? PS5? Oh sorry, I prefer japanese games myself, I think I'll pick up a switch instead.

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I cannot believe nintendo direct mini yesterday was fucking better than PS5 event, god damn I hate modern sony so fucking much

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based /jp/ig

At this rate, you’re better off going Xbox for weebshit this gen, especially since Microsoft has a TGS showcase.

Switchletes always have to try start shirt don't they?

>start shirt
based eslony

True, I expected literally fucking nothing from Sony so watching the stream I thought "okay not bad".

Then I watched Nintendo direct and got so blown away I made a soiface like asmongold holy fuck I thought the MH rumours were nintendo fan cope.

Persona 6

Nincel forgot about all the multiplats that his shitty tablet will never run.
You need to be fucking a retard to pick switch over ps5 or any other console for that matter.

Attached: nintendo 'innovation'.jpg (1024x741, 151.35K)

The only good thing Sony has left is WipEout and they don't do anything with it.

What is Sony's obsession with realism? It's making them lose Japanese customers and caused bankruptcy to many studios. I will be surprised if they make it out this gen when China who prefers gacha and anime aesthetics is on the rise.

and now you will post a pic of Animal Crossing games counting a fucking calculator and clock as seperate games, kill yourself kindly subhuman negroid.

multiplats are for PC, not consoles you console cuck

What anime games too?

Shut the fuck up you despicable $60 emu-port gobbler.

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Lots of assumptions there kiddo, I don't support the fucking timed Mario collection bullshit.

>multiplats are for PC
Nah, it's actually for console and all you need is just Playstation 5 to keep up with upcoming generation.
We are having gaming discussion here and pc is garbage with no games so keep it civil.

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thinking of buying switch after yesterday's direct but im worried if nintendo would release switch pro next year

Call me when actually good anime games come to the switch


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disgea 6 is also on playstation retard

But I already have a Switch and want a PS5 too

fifa or madden if you twice as retarded as fifa players

Only in Japan, its Switch exclusive in the west

exclusives, oh wait, nvm

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why play games on weak PC wannabe boxes while you can play them with 120fps in 4K on a PC?

Same and I fucking hate it.

Why would I buy a ps5 to play shitty versions of multiplats when I own a pc that does games at 144 fps. I own a Switch for exclusives and portability but the ps5 doesn't have either of those

Wait. If it happens next year it's going to be in March to bolster the next fiscal year. You won't have to wait long to know if it's coming.

Demon souls and that's literally it
I would have included ratchet and clank if the PS4 remake hadn't piss me off so hard

I mean if you wanna get one for monster hunter then just wait until it comes out. You‘ll know for sure by then if there is a switch pro

Switch has 3 years worth of exclusive titles when the holidays come around, seems like a more informed buy and then wait 3-5 years for PS5 whenever it has gotten a proper exclusives library

You can pick both really. It's not like they revoke your gaming license if you have conpeting conpanies systems.

>"haha look guys theres a kid crying about a dead developer who dedicated most of his life to making games, lol what a fag"
When did your soul become so black, user?

Absolutely based. Fuck western games, fuck westaboo games, and fuck California.