What the fuck is it with these two countries and their inability to comprehend conversion rates and how their dollar is not worth the same as the US dollar?
>not buying games in worthless Argentine dollars >new triple a games cost like the equivalent of $20
Leo Wilson
I want an australian GF so bad bros
Dylan Taylor
Ausfag here, because most normies are fucking retarded and to them the word dollars all means the same thing. It's typical consoomer "I WANT MY THING CHEAPER AAAAA"
also if its physical its shipped to the other side of the world (from the states).
Isaac Green
Like $60usd isnt a scam to begin with
Jayden Ramirez
get a job
Brayden Taylor
Canadians used to pay the same price for games until the PS4/Xbone generation, and then it suddenly bumped to $80 for a single game without any gradual increase. We see price increases and they hit hard since our pay barely ever changes.
Levi Wilson
they have retarded taxes. CDN used to be as strong as US dollar
Tyler Perez
As an Australian Fucking why?
Parker Johnson
oh, I thought you were complaining about the inflation of "electronic" things Ausfig Govt. hates you buying anything outside and sticks a huge tax on imports to dissuade people
Owen Rodriguez
There was a point where it was stronger, people would take weekends to go shopping past the border.
Jack Hernandez
canuck here, the other canucks complaining about prices are absolutely retarded. We don't pay prices in USD. Literally get a good job. If you don't have a 6-figures (CAD) job you're probably retarded. We have increased the minimum wage to reflect the cost of living - if your specific job hasn't been getting raises to reflect this, it's because you either don't do valuable work or aren't valued by your company.
Kevin Reyes
>please let me consoom. Take. My. Money. Have more
Carson Perez
How about we bitch about something meaningful instead. Why the fuck is pricing on the PSN worse than buying a hard copy? One of them requires physically shipping across the world, with everyone involved in the process before it gets to you taking their cut and taxes, and yet Sony fucks it up where you pay more for something that doesn't even exist and can be revoked on a whim.
Jonathan Torres
No, fuck yourself. I understand price increases due to changes in the value of our currency, but now increasing the prices for no reason is plain bullshit. There is no justifiable reason why a Demons Souls Remake should cost as much as it does. But sure, continue to consume without asking questions.
Josiah Butler
also tax is included in the price
Henry Jackson
You’re on a board literally dedicated to consumer products retard
Camden Gray
you're complaining about a general price increase that game companies are moving towards across the board - irrespective of local currency. Has nothing to do with CAD - I'm not sure why people making Canadian-specific threads whining about these price hikes.
Easton Bailey
What the fuck is it with americans and their inability to comprehend variations in living expenses from country to country? We don't have the same purchasing power as americans, cunt.
Brody Davis
A "new" Xbox or PS4 game is $100-$110 AUD. That's substantially more than 60 USD, even accounting for tax being a part of the sticker price. The only way to get reasonably priced games in Australia is on Steam or Switch.
Ian Butler
exactly what figures are you using to make this conclusion? the poor in the US have much worse purchasing power than the poor in Canada - so are you using middle class numbers or something? Once you're making at least 6 fig any purchasing power gap basically disappears. Where are your numbers?
Levi Martin
Clearly you've never tried to buy or rent a house in any other country but the US, that or your fuckin parents still do that shit for you.
Elijah Ramirez
The Victorian government will debate a new bill in the State Parliament this week which would hand authorities the power to forcibly detain “conspiracy theorists” and people suspected to likely spread coronavirus, such as anti-lockdown protesters and their close contacts.
If passed, the Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Bill will allow the state to detain anyone they suspect of being “high risk” or likely to negligently spread COVID-19, either if they have the virus or have been in contact with an infected person.
According to The Age, a state government spokesman said the rule could be applied to “conspiracy theorists who refuse to self-isolate or severely drug-affected or mentally impaired people who do not have the capacity to quarantine.”
Those detained could then be placed in quarantine facilities, such as hotels, where they can be monitored by authorities.
On Sunday police fined 200 people and made 74 arrests during an anti-lockdown protest in Melbourne. Could this bill lead to the mass-forced quarantining of similar anti-lockdown protesters?
Will the legislation result in anti-lockdown protesters being deemed “high risk” of spreading the virus, resulting in the forced detainment and mandatory quarantining of their family members, work colleagues, and close friends? Remember citizen this is city 17 You have chosen or being chosen to undergo preselection for the covid19 test trails. Do not forget vaccination is mandatory You cannot leave city 17 or the collective without first obtaining a valid leave pass at the officers digression You really don't it's why I'm a 30yo wizardcel our women have been disgusting for decades
??? I rent in the GTA, what's the problem? Do you make less than 6 figs?
Brody Roberts
>torontofag speaks for the rest of Canada Fuck yourself
Jack Gutierrez
Andrew Adams
literally the second-highest if not highest rent in the country, and it's literally not a problem. Make more money. Go talk to your boss today and say "hey buddy, I think I deserve a little more because I'm a valuable worker, how about you bump me up to like 100k?"
And if he laughs at you, either you're not worth that much or maybe the job/career isn't a good fit. Try something else! Good luck.
Ryder Jackson
The cheapest C8 is going to be $150k AUD which is $109k USD, almost twice the cost of the base C8 in America. I know we have different taxes but I SHOULD BE ABLE TO GET A FUCKING CORVETTE FOR LESS THAN 100K CUNT THEY TOOK OUR COMMODORES WE NEED A REPLACEMENT