Shitty character design

>shitty character design
>shitty level design
>shitty physics
>shitty controls
>shitty gameplay
>shitty artstyle
what is there to even be excited about

Attached: It's_about_time.png (1024x1024, 1.28M)

The things you just listed

Considering just how hard you faggots try and bomb this game makes me think it's actually going to be good

If it was so blatantly shit you wouldn't need to constantly make threads trying to bring it down, you'd just look at the game and go "oh it's shit, no need to put a ton of energy into trying to convince others it's shit"

Everything looks fucking fine? What are you even complaining about you retard?

OP sucking cocks like usual nothing to see here

I thought the Crash franchise was done having an identity crisis, and then Activision decides Vicarious Visions shouldn't make any other Crash games. Sad.

Because its easy to get replies to threads when you hate on a game. Try making a simple "CRASH 4 THREAD". Then try making something akin to OPs thread and you will get tons more replies

don't care, still buying it

Yeah I'm sure you're right

You'll still get a ton of responses hating on it though, you would think people would be more interested in finding other threads to talk about games they like rather than hate on ones they don't care for though

I might buy it if they launch it on PS5.

People were shitting themselves a week ago saying that the slide jump makes you lose momentum. Turns out that to retain momentum you have to slide, spin and then jump. Hater BTFO and TfB making the game more complex

>>shitty character design
>>shitty level design
>>shitty physics
>>shitty controls
>>shitty gameplay
>>shitty artstyle
So just like every crash

I'm still getting it.

Besides that garbage tawna design, it looks pretty fun


uhhhhhh it has 4 in the title, so that automatically makes it a kino sequel instead of being another wrath of cortex

Really? That's based as fuck, they must have watched pros speed running crash 2 and 3 and decided to make it a legit mechanic.

except for Tawna looking completely out of place the game's art style's looking really fucking good.

Pic unrelated, right? I've been having a blast with the demo.


Attached: Punk_Tawna_24_0.png (2194x3165, 1.34M)

Check em

Attached: Check em.png (574x547, 416.56K)

You should just jack off to Coco porn full time instead of pretending to like Crash as a side gig

Gameplay looks fine, character designs are shit, nuTawna's description being full of SJW shit is extremely worrying.

I blame Activision.

It looks fine but it plays like shit. That’s my problem with it.

Unbelievably, legitimatelly and unironically fucking based.

>Crash is back in the old style to boot
>Looks pretty nice
>But at the same time in a really iffy package

I'm so confused

Attached: 1538108223575.gif (214x214, 1.27M)

Something about the design of this game is so generic shitty western cartoon I can’t quite explain why though.
Like that shitty generic tumblr cartoon style, but 3D somehow.

>no tits shaved side of head new dyke
>Original pinup girl big tiddy Tawna
Fuck yes

Attached: 8980F165-CBAF-447E-99AE-91A134BFC47E.png (1456x1316, 46.29K)

I played the demo and holy SHIT, it's actually great. I hope those two levels aren't the best in the game because I want to be blown away.

I'm still gonna buy it cunt, I don't give a shit what your retard ass thinks

>characters look good
>levels look good
>physics (barring slide jump) look good
>controls look good
>gameplay looks good
>artstyle looks good


I don't think it's worth this much

neither design is good, delete tawna permanently crash and coco are a sufficient number of bandicoots

It looks like a regular crash game nothing special but Im sure fans will like it good enough

You mean the one that was removed from the franchise for 20 years for being too sexualized and didn't even get back in without being reduced to a stick figure?

>posting Willy Wombat-era art

Attached: crash and tawna.jpg (1280x720, 90.35K)

Thats retarded momentum should be maintained always

>Considering just how hard you faggots try and bomb this game makes me think it's actually going to be good
Yep. The trannys are shilling against it constantly.

This is a based post. Hell, even the original Coco looked fairly ugly until nitro kart/N sane.
Crash and Coco balance fine at the moment and should stay that way, I'd only add Crunch if they could give him something that makes him worthwhile to the bandicoot dynamic