ITT: Games that are held in high regard only by people who never played them or fake fans

ITT: Games that are held in high regard only by people who never played them or fake fans.

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zoom zoom

That was like the third game I got for my NES, git gud zoomer prag.

Although I still liked Journey to Silius more because of the godlike soundtrack, fuck that was good.

Legitimately the worst game in the series. And this says a lot considering that the other games are either average, or not worth a damn.

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Wrong, MM1 was shit.

>he got filtered

I wasn't referring to Mega Man.

Oh yeah, I'm just dumb. Carry on.

>git gud
Fuck off I played almost every mm game. I'm a fan pissed off that this crap still gets praised by tertiaries who played only this, 11 and new gacha shit.

3 would be superior if not for the Doc Robots. those guys are just fucking cheap.

What was your favorite, or even ranked order if you can be bothered?

So Persona 5

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Your mom's pussy

Other than the shitty wall boss, MM2 is a solid game.

Nice, mine too.

Based fucking retard

Witcher 3

contrarians are so annoying, goddamnit

He is not wrong, at least 3 and 9 are better games.

Megaman1 is the only one I liked

wew we got a madlad here.

For me it's Spark Man theme

I have played Mega Man 2 and it is very good
I like 3 more though

>being this noob
i'll bite anyway
the only thing that comes to mind are Sony exclusives
the console is mostly populated by normalfags and pozzers

3 was the best.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

A lot of polls place this as the number 1 game of all time even though no one voting even played it

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>liking rehashed shit in his games
based retard

og nes series? Easy:
4>6(underrated, I'm ashamed that I played it way too late)>3>>> 2>> 5>1
All og series? That's way harder since 8, r&f and 11 had all some great(and shit) parts and new ideas that are nowhere else to be found, while 9 and 10 are 2 but actually good. Eh, I'll try.
7=4>10>9>6>11>3=r&f>>>> 8>2>>> 5>1
But I think all games with exception of last 4 are really good. I don't want ramble on too long about why I think so.
X series:
1>4>>>>>>> 6>>>> 8>>>>>>> 7
Zero and NT warrior:
Only played first one
I'm playing those that I missed right now and remembered how shit 2 is. That's why I made this dumb thread
Again, fuck off

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