Attached: EiI5meFXYAEqANx.png (413x454, 219.93K)
Nathaniel White
Nicholas Gray
wtf are they actually supporting that evil propaganda? wtf
Kayden Parker
what's evil about it?
Mason Cruz
So is that and edit or a prank? Also, their Based license is revoked until they stop censoring Japanese games.
Asher Rogers
Found the chimp
Hudson Parker
The people who say that often associate with racists and racism, and they are only saying it to appear like good people with good intentions but meanwhile they are racists. A non-racist white person doesn't need to say "it's ok to be white."
Caleb Taylor
Probably solely because nobody likes white electronics.
And unlike the US most countries aren't participating in a race war so this phrase isn't really a "problem"
Kevin Reed
i mean
that would have been cool af
Asher Gomez
obviously it's not okay to be white. we just won't admit this out loud because whites still hold some semblance of power.
Austin Ross
See here's proof
Does this look like the kind of guy who says "its ok to be white"
Ian Collins
Sounds to me like you're the racist making a whole lot of assumptions.
Carter Kelly
>White on the outside
>Black on the inside
Nathan Carter
That's not the point.
The reason the quote is "it's ok to be white" is so that anybody who realizes it's racism in disguise looks like they are a racist. It's a clever and tricky tactic meant to make the racists look nice. But it's just lies, of course it's okay to be white, but the people who actually say "it's ok to be white" are only saying it because they hate blacks and they want to appear like good people so they come up with a racist chant and when anybody disagrees with their racist idea they use the quote to defend them. It's very clever and tricky.
Leo Campbell
Jayden Gray
Why isn't the quote "it's ok to be any race?" You are insane if you think there is more racism against whites than against blacks, so why make a quote defending whites when most racism is directed towards blacks instead?
Elijah Reyes
I'm not racist and I say "it's ok to be white"
I'm so pissed at all these niggers thinking they deserve a special treatment
Adam Bennett
Pretty good shop honestly. You can tell the banners in the background don’t say it though
Kayden Hughes
You're not racist but you use derogatory terms to describe black people and think of them as all thinking they deserve special treatment because they want rights?
Zachary Reyes
It's associated with racists and racism because to you retarded lefties, anyone calling out your retarded bias is a racist. Why wouldn't it be associated with racism when literally everyone who disagrees with you is racist?
David Flores
White people promote communism, SJW values and anti family views worlwide.
Samuel Cruz
Why isn't the quote "all lives matter"?
Thomas Lopez
i love pol
pol is great
make pol great again
fuck off already Zig Forums shit
Aaron Ross
Luke Cooper
Because "it's okay to be white" is directly contradicting the increasingly pervasive notion that it's not okay to be white. You're either burying your head in the sand or you're one of them. I'm willing to bet it's the latter, but I'm going to give you the benefit of doubt and assume it's the former.
Sebastian Gomez
I'm not leftist. I'm not rightist either.
The left thinks of everybody as racist.
And the right thinks of everybody as the jews.
I'm just saying for every ten thousand times I see the n-word used, I see one derogatory term about white people.
Why isn't the quote white lives matter while we're at it? Why isn't the quote "stop using derogatory words against white people" probably because the n-word is more common than insults against white people.
William Wilson
>You are insane if you think there is more racism against whites than against blacks
No, but they're giving it their best shot. Kinda sad desu that with all these examples of how to do racism effectively the best the untermensch could do is "black lives matter" and posting bbc on a Mongolian basket weaving symposium.
Jace Taylor
Sony won, bros
Leo Hill
So you're saying that saying all lives matter is akin to saying only white lives matter? And saying black lives matter obviously means it's taking into account all people?
Kevin Ortiz
No no no.
Listen, I'm not black but the only increasingly pervasive notion is that it's not okay to be black.
Do you even read the stuff people say on here?
They harass black people way more often than other races and you are either burying your head in the sand or you are insane.
Parker Hughes
Racist insults aren't used against white people because they don't work. Call a black person a N***** though and they lose their minds.
That's the only reason people still do it.
Dylan Scott
shut up racist pos
Jaxon Lewis
So all lives matter protestors are upset about george floyd too?
Just because they are saying all lives matter doesn't mean they believe it.
I'm not black but I actually do believe all lives matter so I support all races.
Michael Cook
>Do you even read the stuff people say on here?
>Waa, words are violence
I literally suck dicks, and I'm still not as much of a faggot as you.
Everyone is a niggerfaggot on this site. It has nothing to do with race or sexual preferences.
Joshua Scott
Sure are a lot of BLM propaganda artists in this thread.
Jason Nguyen
Do all lives matter protestors feel grief over george floyd's death too? Is that part of their movement? To help the black race? Since they care about all lives rightt?
Luke Brooks
All lives can't matter until black lives matter
Nicholas Price
The same reasoning could be applied to Black Lives Matter.
Nicholas Johnson
Sure are a lot of racist angsty white teens on this board now
Zachary Adams
Whoever did this fake didn't even try to properly align the text lmao.
Jeremiah Bell
Leftist will be shocked to know we say Nigger on Zig Forums largely because we're not supposed to say Nigger.
Cooper Butler
Oh please, don't even pretend for a second that it's not something you Zig Forumscels made up. Of course it's going to be associated with you racists since you decided to co-opt that phrase just like LGBT co-opted the rainbow. When a rainbow flag is displayed in a store it's because they support LGBT, not because they like rainbows, and likewise when some incel says "it's okay to be white" it's because they're a Zig Forums bigot, not because they just coincidentally happened to think that phrase sounds nice to say.
Grayson Brooks
Nobody cares about a jogger that couldn’t even be arrested without OD’ing on fentanyl.
Jace Rivera
Has been since 2016
Leo Cooper
t. a nigger
Eli Taylor
African Americans are three times as likely to commit a hate crime when compared to their white counterparts.
According to the BOJ, 90% of interracial victimisations between blacks and whites (not including murder, where almost 3 times as many whites are killed by blacks on a yearly average) have been BLACK on WHITE in 2019. alone.
White countries generally rank lowest in any form of racial inequality and race related issues while simultaneously having the largest number of ngo's and overwatch bodies as well as a the biggest influx rates of racial strangers than any other race category on Earth.
Our media doesn't care about us, they care about niggers.
Aiden Davis
James Nelson
I don't feel grief when some random white guy gets murdered by blacks (which is way more common), why should I give a fuck because it's a black dude?
Christopher Evans
I see Zig Forumsdpol is in full force this mornimg
Thomas Butler
Woah woah woah what makes you think I support that? I don't support people like that regardless of their race. I don't support racist blacks or racist whites.
Aiden Phillips
The whole "black lives matter" movement is rooted in statistical nonsense.
Niggers are not disproportionately shot by police.
According to the FBI crime census and literally every subsequent analysis of both police shootings and police related deaths... Twice as many whites are shot on a yearly average, you're literally more likely to be a nigger and die from constipation - fucking constipation - than be shot by cops.
And the discrepancy in populace proportion (since NIGS 13% and WHITES 60%) is immediately overturned by crime stats which show that niggers are WAY more likely to engage in the kind of crime which results in getting shot by police.
And again, this is in a country where acoording to the BOJ 90% of interracial victimisations between blacks and whites in 2019. alone were - you'll never guess - black on white!
Yet the entirety of global, not just American leftist media, but global media is selling you the opposite of reality.
Dumb nigger.
Hudson Carter
do "anti-racists" actually give a shit about white people? no, they endorse and support anti-white racism