Sony's double standards
Sony's double standards
Wow, male nudity is more acceptable because women are disenfranchised, underpaid and more likely to be rape victims. The more you learn, incel.
How dare they show a bare male ass instead of muh waifus exposed triple G breasts and panties while she moans and poses provocatively in my shitty Japanese games with no substance to them outside of the coombait!!!
>how can you not be LGBTQ+ in this day and age bigot
Imagine playing a lame ass AssCreed Mongol edition
Do something about it coward. If not, shut up.
Can you answer that though? How can you dare to not be, bigot?
Males can't be sexualized. They are only ever power fantasies.
i'm pretty sure they also censored dmc 5 in euro regions (where i live)
romance novels aimed at females sexualise males.
>some nincel went out and purchased a copy of goty 2020 so he could make some retarded falseflag image
Is there ANYTHING more pathetic than this?
That's a male power fantasy.
there is nothing wrong with that
>writing fan fiction because you don't like having soiface being associated with your favourite platform
Ohnonono... Sonygros?
>Brazilian cover
Yeah, totally a nincel.
There is no double standard, you're just a faggot who focuses on male anuses.
simp hands wrote this
Literally untrue
You guys will never get over it, right? Not even joking, Sony is shaping gaming to be more than just mindless fun and instead dares to talk about topics relevant TODAY. People almost died to bring you games that actually help people on the edge of society. Oh no, Abby is more muscular than me, what a shit game:((((( But the fact that she is LITERALLY the best and only example of what it means to be a woman in the 21. century you do not mention
Because these people are subhuman trash?
You guys will never get over it, right? Not even joking, Sony is shaping gaming to be more than just mindless fun and instead dares to talk about topics relevant TODAY. People almost died to bring you games that actually help people on the edge of society. Oh no, Abby is more muscular than me, what a shit game:((((( But the fact that she is LITERALLY the best and only example of what it means to be a woman in the 21. century you do not mention
>But the fact that she is LITERALLY the best and only example of what it means to be a woman in the 21. century you do not mention
What the fuck are you talking about?
Women are disgusting, how long until we rid them from this world?
It's whites. Haven't you ever seen how white males are obssesed with making gay jokes about themleves. Dave Chappelle talked about how white men always do gay shit. Same here, the perspn running the account is a white dude doing gay shit like white men always do.
>Seething Xbox cuck
What the heck? How did you know i am black? And is this your counter argument? Pathetic
There is literary nothing wrong with being a bigot.
Believe it or not but sometimes i actually TALK to women. Yeah, what a concept huh? I actually encouraged a few of my female friends to try the game. One of them gave the game back to me a day later and said it was too much for her. The game really captures something
Pretending that you're faggot cuck will eventually attract actual SJW cucks on this board.
2014 Zig Forums would've been ashamed.
There's almost everything wrong with it because most of it isn't true. Apart from the rape victim thing. Unless you're an Amerilard, then there's enough man on man buttraping going on in your prison industrial complex to more or less bring the ratio to 50/50.
We're already halfway there. We've basically got the artificial womb up and running, now all we need is for every man on the planet to go gay by choice.
Spread news of the female treachery on the internet, they can't ban us all.
fabino is a massive ass-fag and he's black
surprised he didn't react to psuk stealing his shtick
That doesn't prove anything.
How do you know what she meant when she said
>it was too much for her
And how do you jump to the conclusion that
>But the fact that she is LITERALLY the best and only example of what it means to be a woman in the 21. century you do not mention
>The game really captures something
funny bait dude!!!!