

Attached: chyna.png (617x669, 440K)

fuck china

Its over for him.

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Nice, that claim will bring in the amerifat gamer votes.

>based, fuck china

Attached: bellamy_salute-56a9aaf15f9b58b7d0fdcf8e.jpg (768x602, 80.43K)

Fuck Drumpf

What’s wrong with pic?

Children doing the nazi salute, I can't believe I have to explain this

you're just as brainwashed mutt, china lives rent free in your heads like syria, bin laden and russia before, empires need to have an external enemy just before their fall; the rome is slowly burning (literally too lmfao)

Penny is thicc

I admit I was wrong, I thought they wouldn't have the balls to go after the vidya for fear of pissing off the parents of the fortnite kiddies but I guess by the time anything comes of this the election will already be over but it will be far enough away from the next election to not hurt them there either


>Getting fucked by Apple
>Getting fucked by the US government
How long before his next Twitter tantrum?

rent free

No user, no one lives in my head rent free, but if you play League of Legends or anything on the Epic Store they live in your computer rent free.

>another series of threads about tim swiney sperging out on twitter and chink shills getting btfo in them
Yes, please.

>get his shares back for free
>sells it for 20 billion dollar to sony instead
yeah he lost, atleast use your brain

>Implying Sweeny wouldn't be happy to have Tencent forced by the government to sell their stake back to him.
Literal single digit IQ thinking anons assuming this is a bad thing.

I fucking hate mutts. That's really the thoughts I have.

>us gouverment
he hates communism dumbo, tim gets his shares back that what will happen if trump pushes more

But those are American children doing the Bellamy salute. The Bellamy salute was created by the same guy who made the Pledge of Allegiance, Francis Bellamy, origination in 1892. Only later did the Nazi's adopt their own similar salute, which was inspired by the Roman salute.

zoomers finna get btfo, cant floss your way out of this one!

you've had a bit too much to think.


Shut the fuck up, it's a symbol of hate, bigotry and intolerance, that's what's important here

What fortnite r34 like?
Never seen it

Attached: AjzVg6OzRBDuAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png (324x400, 185.03K)

unbelievably based

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my country's military still does it kek

Fuck Tim

Attached: Girls.png (449x401, 490.09K)

i hope thy ban epic launcher and fortnight shit.

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Just skins getting fucked by other skins

Attached: 016-Horasların-Yemini-Oath-of-the-Horatii-David.jpg (2336x1800, 908.02K)

They can't force the price, can't they?

This shit right here.
He's a king cuck supreme, but communist shitholes need to eat a fucking nuke. Let ONE good thing come from this shitshow of an administration.

Attached: oppressive laughter.jpg (491x488, 19.6K)

Why would he? Nobody forced him to sell to China in the first place.