what's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you in a video game?
What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you in a video game?
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just saw this thread earlier
based fucking user
That's great, now could you both compete in a showering competition please? It smells like shit in this thread.
you first
>i initiate a pvp fight
>the enemy proceeds to bash my shit in
imagine being this autistic
i can only imagine to btfo someone this hard
play a better game
no u
imagine the smell
Someone post the Pokemon battle. You know the one.
>7 replies
>6 posters
op replied twice, only one post is in response to another post
op replied to an op post
Jannies can’t save you here, what’s done is done, you got shit on you baby KEK
dont get whats going on here desu
looks like the user who said ''post your code pussy'' got BTFO
kek , based. thanks bros
it's the other way around
kek still funny either way
Is there an archive of the fight or something?
How seething do you have to be to take the time to fight an user and make a webm of it and then proceed to brag on Zig Forums of all places for good boy pts.
Now hes living in your head rent free
>OP is a trannyme poster gloating about an easy kill
Furfags eternally BTFO
>catch player from behind with his pants down and completely off guard
>he wrecks my shit
I honestly can't think of a worse feeling.
this happened to me in wow in classic when i played for two months last year and i picked a fight with someone a couple levels lower than me and got wrecked. i think he killed me another time or two when i came back for my body lmao
woweee OP you beat someone in a kid's party game, that's so cool
When APB was new, I was sitting in the character editing terminal and having a wank while looking at my character. Had an open mic and didn't realize it until my party members went "DUDE WHAT THE FUCK MAN".
I was already at full mast and ten seconds away so I had to finish and couldn't mute my shit because my hands were fucking occupied, so I tried to suppress my cum noise while fucking missing the kleenex and blew a load all over my left hand and the arm of my chair.
So I had to single-handedly take off my headset, weave through my room, walk past my aunt's door without waking her up, make it to the bathroom, wash off my fucking hand, and then get back to the game.
By the time I got back, my party members just sat there around me applauding. "YEAH DID YOU HAVE A GOOD WANK? WHAT WERE YOU LOOKING AT?"
I just outright logged and went to play BF:BC2 instead.
Nothing. Because I'm not a retard who starts shit with strangers like that. Nothing will ever top that fat COD player talking shit and challenging someone to a live match streamed for all to see where he proceeded to get his ass kicked, broke his controller in rage and then started ranting at the guy doing the stream for streaming it and the streamer was just "But this was your idea..."
Was the Falco fag and Ultichad that said Melee was bad or something? If so, based, no shit he can't beat some stinky autist with 9001 hours in melee.
so who won??