TGS soon.
You excited for RE8 gameplay?
TGS soon
Yes. Very much so. I hope we get to see the werewolf enemies and what combat will be like. Would love to see the witch stalker too. I'm expecting it to be a showcase of the sequence that Ambassador testers have reportedly been playing for the last year, the one we've sort of seen in the trailer where the giant gorilla beast man with the hammer starts chasing after Ethan. Sounds like a very hectic sequence and I'm excited to see what the pace of the combat is like and how scripted or unscripted it will be (will Ethan have to run to specific areas to block doors etc.? or can we do that sort of thing anywhere?)
Also half-expecting a playable demo announcement to launch alongside next-gen consoles.
I really hope we get a first hour demo like with RE7. that demo had so much hype behind it.
what's there to be excited about, just more first person shooting and scripted events
Yes just how RE was originally meant to be.
Like all RE games?
No, I don't play weebshit for retarded consolekids.
>I play western shit
>Yes just how RE was originally meant to be.
RE was also gonna have cyborg protagonists, it doesn't matter what RE was gonna be it matters what RE is.
not so severely.
It was awesome how they updated it with new items and that entire new basement area. Had people talking about it for months. Especially trying to figure out what the dummy finger was for! Lots of cool stuff in that demo, probably the best demo of last gen. I would go as far as to say it was one of the best demos of all time, honestly. 90% of the stuff in the demo was made exclusively for it. So it didn't really spoil much about the game itself, either.
Yes so it's a good thing it's still RE to the core just in first person.
And again all RE games are scripted as fuck.
what was the point of the recent trailer?
People need to give Capcom credit for doing some pretty meaty and honest demos. I was playing that RE2 remake demo for ages as well as the 3 demo
mostly a teaser there saving the big stuff for TGS
I thought it was interesting the way the old lady was portrayed. I was convinced that she was the witch stalker enemy the leaks talked about but the trailer makes her out to be more of a guide for Ethan.
Also didn't expect the Romanian chick or discount Mark Hamill to be doing cultist prayers. So the mystery there deepens too. Assumed they'd just be straight allies to the player, maybe even playable.
But otherwise, there wasn't much we hadn't seen before yes. It did confirm another one of Dusk Golem's leaks, but you try to show people how credible his RE leaks are and have a serious discussion about them and they just scream at you about console war bullshit.
its definitely my most awaited game currently so yes
>We live in a world wher RE7 is the biggest selling RE game of all time.
2020 ain't so bad after all.
>coronavirus is the biggest phenomenon of twenty twen-
This is some selective fucking memory right here. The demo ending up disappointing a lot of people because the version they released first never had any actual fucking solution. People wasted countless hours in it thinking it was some PT-like mystery and then they just update it out of the blue with the final version that got solved in like 3 hours. Which was fucking bugged anyway because the last clue with the doll didn't trigger for a large amount of people. The demo was really poorly handled.
Imagine being unironically excited for RE game after snorefest that RE7 was. You faggots will CONSOOM any garbage that crapcom shits out. Wish they continued
RE6 route of fun coop.
Will they confirm that Claire is vamp witch now?
I really need to go back to 7, played it for like an hour and dropped it but maybe I wasn't in the right mindset
>Wojack poster
>thinks his shitty opinion matters
Your post assumes that your opinion of the first survival horror masterpiece in years is universally shared.
It also assumes that a game's sequel will just be a carbon copy-paste of the previous game and will not improve on it in any way, shape or form. Which is certainly not true of RE8. The art direction, enemy variety, style of horror, even the music are all huge changes from RE7 and they seem to be changes for the better.
Fuck off with your shitty rage comics meme. This is a thread for survival horror chads.
>release animal mascot kart racing game
>slap "Resident Evil" sticker on it
RE fans everyone
Discharge yourself from this hallowed premises, foul scourge.
not sure if i should start up an RE7 or remake2 playthrough to get some of the hype out of my system
a Merchant all but confirmed is really cool, I kind of hope Ethan gets more melee moves, or at least do another Joe Baker DLC but dialed up to 11
I'm starting through a new playthrough of RE2 'cause I just got a gaming laptop and wanted to try out the mods.
Are there lots of fun mods for RE7?
Im more excited for the chrisposting to be honest
>I’m more excited for shitposting then playing a game
God what has this board become?
>Like all RE games?
If you played all mainline RE games and didn't notice a crazy increase in scripted sequences you are retarded.