>no archive link
fuck off fag
>failed to sell next-gen
>PS5s are selling like hotcakes and going out of stock
I agree, but this is basically always the case with new systems.
severely limited stock will do that.
Name 1 actual compelling reason to buy a ps5 right now.
He's not wrong.
Might go for Quest 2 but the mandatory FB thing stills seems very dodgy
>severely limited stock
What happened to "artificial scarcity"?
Nah PS4 was attractive as PS3 user. The whole lifespan of the PS3 was dumb shit happening. Plus the way games played in 2005 compared to 2013 changed a lot. Every about PS3 felt dated by 2013.
Whereas now PS4 feels fine and not dated at all. Biggest changes now are 4K and marginally better load times.
iirc the vast majority of preorders are the digital version and sony didn't make many of those
Nah, PS4 had nothing to offer on it's release year either.
Literally the same thing.
With everything going on this year it would make sense to not roll out a massive production line right off the bat.
They did say the focus this time isn't the graphics but loading times and framerates
I agree. I got burned for being an early adopter 7 years ago. Now things are looking even more underwhelming.
Buy an overpriced, underpowered brick for what? $70 mutt remake of a PS3 game?
I haven't gotten a console at launch since PS2, there's simply not enough games
When has a launch lineup ever compelled you?
For me this has been the best launch lineup since the PS2. Cyberpunk and DeS alone will keep me busy for a few months while a shitload of other games release in 2021
showing off on twitter
>buy ps4 to play RDR2 and death stranding
>comes out for PC
>want a ps5 for demons souls
fool me once....
Biggest changes are framerate load times and bigger games.
Its not obvious off the bat but it is mich better hardware than the ps4. Its not like graphics havent peaked already.
Cyberpunk is an 8th gen game that isn’t getting a 9th gen port until at least a year from now.
>buy ps4 to play RDR2 and death stranding
I got it for MGSV, Nier, Tekken 7 and Ace Combat 7
Isn't this always the case?
Knack and Killzone... uhh Deadly Shadows? Hold on... Shadowfall didn't exactly blow my dick off either.
>buy a PS4 to play multiplats
>now thinks buying a PS5 for actual exclusives is a bad deal
Sorry user but that's retarded. The PS5 will have full BC though so you can get rid of your PS4 with no qualms and keep the games.
We have to wait until the rabid fanboy consoomers have their fill to get actual numbers, but he’s right about buying at launch
upping the resolution 4x means on a sub $1000 box means we have another generation of games that look and perform like garbage.
To resell it for $1k
He's a pcfag that only got it to play games that weren't on pc at the time. If he was smart he'd stop playing his pc and go fully console to play what he actually enjoys.
It's not artificial if there's a concrete reason why more units aren't available.
I became a PCfag too midway through this gen
I am never buying a console on launch ever again
ps5 games are going to come out on ps4 for its first three years, its idiotic
Well PS5 is sold out worldwide so clearly they offered enough of a reason for the masses
Yeah but is it something you want to actually play?
They produced 11 million and sold them. They can't produce them quick enough because of supply chain issues
Yeah. The reason being they established a consoomer cult.
Someone post those TLoU2 room pics.
Is your life really that empty that you'll shell out $570 just to play the same game you've played a dozen times already for a week, maybe longer if you get into the PVP?
Which part of that isn’t true?
They literally can't make them faster even if they wanted to (they do), there is nothing artificial about it.
>want a ps5 for demons souls
It's coming to pc
The part where you unironically implied that cyberpunk wasnt delayed to coincide with next gen console releases