>be European master race >didn't pre order the game as I'm not some paranoid pleb >waltz today into electronic market like I own the place >mind you there's no active shooter nearby as we don't need guns >walk to the aisle and pick up my copy of Mario All Stars >hundreds of copies as we are not filthy scalpers like uncultured american swines >cute blonde cashier girl hits on me while I pay for my marios
Really? That's fucking awesome. Why didn't Nintendo mention it?
Eli Bailey
Yeah because everything is so fucking expensive and taxed high it is impossible for a single person to make profit on his own in any way. Also, Europeans are culturally segregated and luddites by natura, so they don't play video games much.
Dylan White
>Layton without the actual draw of the series Why are you British? You're a fat nonce not James fucking Bond kek
Julian Wright
>cute blonde cashier girl hits on me while I pay for my marios do you look like this, if not fake news
>we don't need guns only cringe part of your post. stop parroting anti-gun propaganda.
Camden Roberts
Dude, that's a physical Level 5 game, those things only exists in Europe and Japan. This definitely did happen.
Zachary Murphy
It's not even true. Europe is full of guns and gun owners.
Nathaniel Baker
He's right though.
Michael Kelly
We don't need guns because we don't have niggers burning down cities. You clearly do though.
Elijah Peterson
Only the 100% bings get to experience the wahoos
James Walker
Based eurobro it's so cringe and retarded the propaganda they make that usa is the best place to live kek They are no different from third worlders (unfortunately such as myself)
Cameron Nelson
Grenade owners, too.
Chase Morgan
Reminder that Bing Wahoo is region free so if your planning to flip it in the future, you will be competing with the rest of the world.
Tyler Allen
>hits on me while I pay for my marios As a European I can confirm the story is true except for this part. This is a lie.
Hudson Gray
Doesn't that happen to France every year and you pretend it doesn't matter?
You have dozens of child prostitution rings operating in England that your police were too afraid of being called racist to shut down, even though they have your kidnapped children.
Noah Morgan
learn new words, faggot
Andrew Hall
Noah Scott
Oh nice one case, where they were in fact caught in the end.
>England That shithole is not even EU anymore, I don't give a fuck what happens there.
Elijah Bailey
>we dont need guns Pathetic
Chase Bell
Godspeed Eurochad
Charles Taylor
Ya, not needing to carry firearms all the time to fend off rabid niggers and drugged up rednecks is one of the many perks of living in a 1st world nation.