Previous thread: >What is this? An annual collaboration project where Zig Forums sings about video games for a full month, from September 15 till October 15. This is our eight year of production and we're just getting started!
I decided to sing shitpost boards, because it was short, my mic is still shit though If any editfags wants a go, it's free real estate, though I can put it together otherwise, just with a lack of experience Vocals: Instrumental: Original:
I am Zig Forums and I invade sites Schizoposts will flood you all I'm the lulz-loving sort, don't call me out Check it out, one of my psyops
We are shitpost boards. we do not have content What we lack in chads we have in fag- -gooooots
I am Zig Forums and I am forgotten Newfags is something I like to absorb With clicks and clacks I raid Habbo And I just can't stop posting tons of porn!
We are shitpost boards We are barely forums We don't need to talk if we can shiiiiit- -pooooooost
I am known as Zig Forums the vidya Cooming to waifus is my style I get banned on reset-era And I don't play any games
SHIT SHIT SHITPOST BOARDS pray that the moderators will fix us MEME MEME SHITPOST BOARDS Hiro can save us if he wants RIGHT?
Eli Harris
I want to do Imperial Guard but the song always makes me tear up. Just like Johnny Cash's version of Hurt
Alexander Lewis
What do we think? We've had a lot of culture and general vidya songs, maybe something specific again?
I'll try blue after work today
Thomas Parker
Go back t o Reddit. or at least get a tripcode so this shit gets auto filtered.
I encourage this, I miss the good ole times of shitty Zig Forums songs on youtube
Josiah Moore
Have you maybe considered making a filtering "Zig Forums the musical" in the thread topic and body rather than begging for the OP to use a tripcode? It's way more reliable for filtering these threads considering the OP isn't always the same person.