Why wasn't Gold the secret final boss in R/S/E like how Red was in G/S/C?

Why wasn't Gold the secret final boss in R/S/E like how Red was in G/S/C?

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Why would he be?

Because each Gen is meant to be "special" by having features no other Gen has.

>Using the same twist twice

Because that sounds retarded
Could work in diamond and pearl, but not in RSE

1. Different region
2. R/S/E and R/B/G happen at around the same time

Would probably just draw more attention to the fact that there was no backwards compatibility

As someone who played gens 1-3 on launch, the RSE games lost a lot of soul

OP you must be underage

Okay, IMAGINE - you’re a kid. You finish up Pokémon Red. You’re the fucking very best like no one ever was. You catch Mewtwo, you’re good, you play with friends or MissingNo or whatever, but you’re good

gold and silver come out, it’s a whole new world. You beat Johto’s elite four and realize YOU’RE HALFWAY DONE, you can go back to Kanto, and when you beat the elite four and go that cave, you don’t see Mewtwo. You see yourself, Red, and he’s fuckin’ crazy strong

You can only do that shit once and Pokémon chose to do it with the best sequel to a game perhaps ever. Why the fuck would Gold or whatever the fuck be in Hoenn, what thematic or exciting emotion would that instill

Anyway your thread is gay go to /vp/ and fuck you for making me type this

Couldn't work in DPPt because it takes place at the same time as GSC

Gold died in 9/11

Because G/S/C happens after R/S/E, retard

I will never understand the hate for Gen 2. Sure the level curve and pokemon distribution was messed up, but everything else was incredible

>Came out when Pokemania was still a thing, albeit starting to die down
>We knew we'd get new pokemon, but until they announced the 100 number nobody thought it'd be that many
>The added colors were great and really made the games stand out compared to the previous generation
>The number of new mechanics was insane, the games were a quantum leap in terms of gameplay
>Little things like certain Pokemon only showing up at certain times of the day and the day/night cycle made the world feel more alive
>Great soundtrack that arguably still has the best melodies in the series
>The fact that you could go to Kanto was a complete surprise to almost everyone
>The final fight at the end remained the most challenging fight in the games for literally years
When Gold and Silver came out they pushed their hardware to its absolute limits, being originally designed as the final installments in the series with extra effort put in to say goodbye, and it showed.

Compared to the first games it was like the difference between the Wright Brothers' airplane and a stealth bomber, and even though they might not feel like such a crazy leap today, at the time they were easily some of the most impressive games on the Gameboy. I don't think that Pokemon will ever be able to completely blow people away like that again.

An actual fucking time system was added to a game and it affected the gameplay (if it was 7pm irl, it was 7pm in game and certain things change at night in the game. I.e. police officer trainers you can fight, nocturnal pokemon that only come out at night, etc)

To me it feels too much like Gen 1, lacks its own personality

That's part of the charm. G/S feel very much like an expansion of RBY. Every other gen since has strayed away from the style of the original

Play crystal version

It’s literally the best one.

Or HG/SS I guess

Gen 1 and 3 take place at the same time. Gold is still like 7 years old when R/S/E takes place.

>I will never understand the hate for Gen 2
Probably because it's nonsensical. It literally doesn't go deeper than "the hardcore pokemon fandom has a complex about gen 1, and gen 2 is too tied to gen 1 for them to not seethe about it too"

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because then RS would have had an endgame

1 = 3 > 2 = 4 > 5 > 5b = 6 > 7

Each gap is confirmed 2 or 3 years meaning Gen 7 takes place about 10 years after the originals. Also, no idea when 8 is nor do I care since we should all pretend it never happened.

>Gen 7 takes place about 10 years after the originals
well yeah, Red is an adult in Gen 7, remember?

So which Pokemon has the best shotagonist?

Gen 2 was the best gen, added so much while keeping it in the same art style as the first one and cleaning up the bad art. Added intro animations, color palettes, day / night cycle, the battle tournament end game, 2 regions, shinies, breeding, dark and steel types, and a registered item. I love how all the gyms are the alt types that weren’t gyms in gen 1, makes it feel like a genuine compliment to the original and a real successor

Gen 1 was a good game, but gen 2 was what made a franchise. It’s the equivalent to empire strikes back.

>R/S/E and R/B/Y happen at around the same time

I will never understand the thought process behind this. RBY should have been the first game chronologically and all games taking place after.

Yeah, but not as old as people like to make it seem.

Many try to say they've aged as long as the series have existed when they're clearly in their early 20's not 30's and canonically have to be in their early 20's.

In reality the small touch of soul there is likely that they made them as old as the series at release - 20 going on 21.

Also, all the new Pokémon in gen 2 fit with the original before gen 3 started going the digimon route

What would his team be?

Probably 5 kanto mons and 1 johto mon, the starter

Wow an hour and a half until he appeared

user youre off your game, man

How? DPPt have a Wii in the living room, GSC has a SNES or some shit.

Logically RSE must have been before GSC because the gen 3 protagonists came from Johto, if the gen 2 protagonist never met Norman's family then it is because they have already moved away to Hoenn.

Kino team would be the 3 Johto starters, ampharos, togekiss and either Sudowoodo or Umbreon (to contrast Red's Espeon)

Cliche choice would be his canon team from the manga. Pic related

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Pokemon always the modern Nintendo home console in the game as an Easter egg. Nothing to do with the timeline.

R/S/E was when they learned they could repeat the same, tired formula for the next 20 years and get away with it every time.

Its been ages since I played RSE. The protag moved from Johto? If thats the case it would be more logical to have it take place at the same time as GSC.

You can even have tie it in with Gold being the final boss along the lines of.
>Hey user, your old friend came over to visit yoh. He went off to explore X. Go find him.

And your old friend turns out to be Gold