>called Tifa Lockhart
>from Nibelheim
>big tits
but looks Asian. Why?
Called Tifa Lockhart
cloud and tifa are hapa, only yuffie is full chink
Rape baby from the war
>What race is Tifa?
What is it with this question that stirs up Zig Forums so much that we get a daily thread about it?
Shes not Japanese. She is from a fictional world. Separate fiction from real life schizoid.
Because they made her look asian. There does not have to be an answer that makes sense with how shit works in the real world. It's fiction.
Maybe her mom who we haven't seen close up is Asian. Maybe she got cursed to be Asian by a tonberry. Why the fuck does it matter?
Tifa is hapa
take a load of this Zig Forumstard, not understanding it's a fictional game and now fuck off, brainlet.
Anri looks like a washed up hag in actual vids though.
>called tifa
>it is perfect and my wife
How do I get a tifa gf?
nuTifa's not Asian, she's a rubber doll
be black
Go to Japan, China or even America and find an Asian girl
>find an Asian girl
What next?
Everyone looks hapa in this game. Even Barret looks kind of hapa.
>ywn Nibel Tifa's heims
It hurts to live.
her race is 3d anime girl
3d? But Zig Forums told me that's pd!
Convert to Islam and travel to Central Asia.
Yes Square has basically perfected the art of realism-anime hybrids with 7R and XV. Hojo would be proud. Although there was only so much you could do with Cloud's hair.
that's CG 3D not irl 3D dingus
A reminder Tifa is only asian in the remake, in the original she's fully white.
Nomura retconned her to be Asian back when he cast Ayumi Ito to be her VA because he really wants to fuck her.
so their argument is essentially "stop thinking white skin is beautiful"?
That's just Squeenix's style in general, why does it get so much discussion
These games have wacky made-up countries and races anyway
Videogame worlds and people are not real and don't have to make sense or be correlated to real world counterparts, including for races.
Crazy, I know.
no shes not