
videogames for losing weight?

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Eat less you fat fucking retard

Find a physical job and do OMAD


it's over for me

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Do this one

Just transition desu. You already got the anime part down

Ring Fit Adventure could be a good starting point

>184 cm
>105 kg
Feels good to be fat.


>Stop Eating Sugar
>Make your own Food
>Eat more good Meat
>Run Outside
Leave the platformer for last since it's the more overrated one in the series

Just stop being a lazy piece of fat shit you fucktard. Learn how to cook, stop eating fastfood, exercise.

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Running is a bad idea for fat people.

eating video games?

Dota 2
Do push-ups after every lost game
Do sit-ups after every won game

Beat saber and not eating like a retard

Which is why you should save it for last, yes

Making excuses is bad for fat people.

Put that in American numbers you toad.
This is an American board.

He means that he's very fat.

Buy a pair of gymnastic rings and do exercises like L-sit pullups, hanging leg raises and planche. People give up on exercise because they do boring stuff like dumbbell curls. You need to do compound exercises if you want it to be fun.

i used to be fat
then i started eating less
and now i'm not fat
try it sometime fatass

This. I'm like you OP. Same height(my fellow king of the manlets) and i weigh 129kg now. I used to weigh 147kg. Just eat less, count your calories, and move around more. It's actually not that difficult.

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Do crunches * amount of russians in the game

>87.5 kg
from 105+kg at the start of the year, intermittent fasting + eating less shit, no workout because I'm a lazy mofo.

Feels pretty good, you can do it too, user.

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this, i stopped eating as much shit, and i've already lost weight
planning on going to the gym as well.

videogames for penis enlargement?

>fat shamed my uncle for years
>recently asked if his fat covers his penis
>doesn't deny it.
>doesn't even take the compliment when I say he has a BBC.
>just laughs it off.
What level of fatness does it take for people to stop giving a shit?

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>Buy a pair of gymnastic rings and do exercises like L-sit pullups, hanging leg raises
you are out of your mind if you think a person who weighs that much and has next to no training can even attempt to do a pull up, or hold themselves in the air and do shit like leg raises
what the fuck is wrong with you Zig Forums tards

fuck, I was only 95kg 2 years ago

>180 cm
>used to be 120 kg this summer
>now down to 104 thanks to fasting and keto, barely even exercise
>also saving a bunch of money because I barely even eat

Feels great desu

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Simply because I'm an alcoholic

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He'll be dead in a day.

Duke Nukem Forever.

That‘s too skinny

Ya got sauce for that plump, delicious meatball?