Why are shotguns in videogames so often poorly designed?
Why are shotguns in videogames so often poorly designed?
Most of TF2's guns don't require skill, just negotiating terrible hitboxes and ancient netcode.
online vidya in a nutshell
Epic post my friend!
TF2 is an exception to the rule. Well, actually, it's an exception because it's descendent from an arena shooter, the latter of which are all much more skill-intensive.
without shotguns FPS games wouldn't even be popular
>caring about checkmark opinions at all
Shotguns are a close range power weapon they do what they're designed to
Do you want to explain how that post is wrong? The way the spy's knife does whatever the fuck it wants ought to be proof enough of it.
Left 4 dead shotgun was awesome.
>fail to kill guy with shotgun in close range
This guy doesn't know about sniper rifles. How?
It just needs to be a loud tube to get casual audiences to pretend to know what theyre using.
or the classic case of
>run up to someone
>shoot them with shotgun as they move
>model gets blood decals
>no damage
>shoot again
>all pellets hit, all blood decals
>10 damage
>shoot again in the exact same spot
>90 damage
jesus, imagine implying that shotguns of all things are not fun to use in videogames.
He's probably some streamer who plays sniper himself and got shotgun'd. Sniperfags always get butthurt when someone crashes their campfest.
>Shotguns do not belong in video games
Without shotguns FPSs wouldn't exist
Also who the fuck is this twitter retard and why is this thread about his stupid opinion?
idk about you guys but i trust the opinion of a cod championship winner over some rando on Zig Forums
also a mailbox isnt a parking meter google
More like ARs don't belong in video games. They're too good at all ranges and make the weapon choice too braindead easy. TF2 did it right by not having any.
the problem is that they are hard to balance in MP, they are either too strong or too weak, hell a lot of SP and Co-Op games struggle to balance them out with other weapons
except zombie games, most of them got them on point
a CoD "esport professional" or in other words, no one of value
wooow my favorite youtuber poster something from my favorite game :3
kys and kys funke
If shotguns in games behaved as they do IRL most 30m engagements would have them OP.
shitty ADS console shooters make these retards thinks shotguns arent decent lol
>make shotty useful past 10 feet
>make pellets disappear past 10 feet but compensate by killing in 1 or 2 shots
>make pellets disappear past 10 feet and so weak it won't kill in 1 or 2 shots
useless weapon lmao
Oh boy the answer is so easy:
Because faggots (in most cases "progamer" shitting up everything with their meta play) complain about shotguns all the fucking time.
Shotgun player are the biggest brohs in videogames because they dont snipe, they dont camp they run around looking for you in close combat.
This mean the weapon of choice is useless in 90% of occassion except in close combat where it wins 99,9% of the time.
This enrages the progamer who memorized every camp/headglicth encounter on every map. His weapon of choice is OP in long range/middle range and close combat. So the use of shotguns is seen by him as "noob" move because it kills you faster than he can kill you.
So these people start complaining in Twitter like the retarded babies they are wantingnerfs for shotguns
>halo ce
>shotguns no shields
Quake 3's shotgun is a chad gun that forces you to face check people while the rocket is the coward gun that you can peek around corners with
Its a shame really, that in 99% of the games they are confetti shooters above 10m range.
IRL they are quite effective and fun, oh so fun, especially pumpies
How would the Scout's pellet gun work in reality? It's a lever action, double barrel shotgun with a drum mag that appears to surround the chamber.
Could it be made and functional?
Shotguns are like the one gun that is basically impossible to not be fun to use.
How are shotguns even real, nigga just walk away
>it's not skillful, you just need to skillfully connect your bullets with the enemy
Revolver style? it wouldn't eject shells like it does in game but it could technically work, probably with 6 shells max
Under the bottom of the drum is a place to insert shells, so my best guess is to just jam in as many shells (or whatever the limit is) and it might shoot out of both barrels. Its probably gonna need slots on both the left and right side so shells come out, and lever is to reload it? Im not good with guns sorry for sounding like shit.
Why do CoD players always get upset when something other than automatics are the most dominant weapon in a game?
They warned me about this type of post!
Is this a legendary bait?
>mad weapon archtype is strong in certain situations