The dream is now officially dead boys. pack it up
Rayman 4
Alright. It’s officially time to kill myself. Goodbye.
he saw the PS5 conference and said yep it's not getting any better from here lads
but he didnt even develope rayman 3
good on him but I am sad
He made Rayman 1, 2, Origins and Legends and is pretty much the driving force of the franchise. Without him Ubisoft doesn't know what the fuck they actually have to do with Rayman so, it's fucking dead.
Thank god they released an Assasin's fucking Creed every goddamn year to fill the void. What a bunch of hacks.
What the hell is rayman? Never heard of him.
He said he'd go on to make Rayman 4 after finishing BG&E2 like a year ago. Obviously not happening now.
God dammit I was really looking forward to another Rayman
There's still Rayman Redemption I guess...
Meh, Rayman doesn't need Ancel, as Rayman 3 has proven.
Its fucking depressing but having nu-ubisoft making it would completely ruin everything about the franchise and taint it. Better let it die a legendary niche series than to have twitter fags find some way to ruin its identity
and it's not as good as the others. desu the only great rayman games are 2 (dreamcast) and origins
Rayman 3 was neither better nor worse than the other games in my opinion
its not really comparable since almost every rayman game plays distinctly different from eachother, but I do prefer 3 over 2
Origins and Legends were made by nu-Ubisoft as well dude
why is he leaving? he’s tired of vidya? is very shitty to work with ubi? did he lost hope in the vidya industry?
indeed, it wasn't as good as others, it was best of them
At least Ancel was still involved
Such a shame since he's such a great artist and designer. He was one of the few who managed to put SOUL in a game in the 2010s two times with Rayman Origins and Legends.
Maybe not, but 3 clearly used 2 as a basis for all of its features, the can powerups Rayman used in it were for the most part just retooled environmental mechanics from the previous games. I will say though 3 had some real cool visuals and music, the evil lum scarecrow guys had cool designs and I especially liked the Heart of the World sections, but 2 is a straight up magical-ass journey.
>Don't be sad that it ended, be happy because it happened
Ah well, thanks for the amazing childhood experience Ancel...
I honestly don't blame him.
And BgaE2 doesn't look anything like a true sequel to the first game, just another bland open-world game.
Makes me wonder how much creative control Ancel had over the sequel in the first place
>See ya in Rayman 4
considering how shitty bgae2 sounded and they’ve had barely anything to show ever since they unveiled it, I think development has been hell with that game and he wants out.
>Rayman is dead
>BG&E is dead
Why did he do it?
We all let this nigga down.
Imagine what it took to make someone who has been with this company for so long, been shat on so many time, to finally leave.
Getting screwed over by the original launch of Rayman Legends not being exclusive to the wiiu and having people call him a liar? Having him sacrifice half his life on the UbiArt engine and then never use it? Ubi execs want Beyond Good and Evil 2 to have every shit modern day game trend and create your own world live service, while the important focus of a good single player experience is further pushed away ironically becoming the embodiment of corporate greed which BGAE is against? I can’t believe he hasn’t left sooner desu.
they were pretty good but nothing will bring back the soul of the old games. They were also released before twitterfags started taking over gaming too which is my point of the first post
Well I guess that confirms Beyond Good & Evil 2 is fucked