Will only transphobes play Hogwarts legacy?

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>literally who Zig Forums bait twitter screenshot
dont you ever get tired of this

I'm going to buy it and so is my brother. He doesn't even hate trannies, just loves Harry Potter and wants to support good HP games.

>that kissy face and peace sign at the end
Absolutely insufferable cunt.

Why do you faggots constantly take twitter faggot bait and post it here like anyone care. No one knows who this guy is and no one gives a fuck about what he says.

I might have to get this game and I don't even like Harry Potter


So it's the opposite of pink capitalism?


Based, I'll buy 5 copies just to spite this faggot

>Rowling hates transsexuals but embraces racial diversity and homosexuality

Kind of interesting

No need for the hard sell, I'm already buying it.

Anything else would be pic related

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yeah bro boycott MW2

Damn, I don't even like Harry Potter but I guess its time to preorder

wtf i love jk rowling now???

But what if I buy it and i'm also in the LGBT community?

Harry Potter's still for faggots

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It's funny seeing trannies tear that community asunder. Let them fight.

I'm buying 10 copies

You’re not real, according to them.

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So is Zig Forums going to be comparing things to Harry and Voldemort from here on out?

I cant see fucking Zig Forumsacks and other siubhuman buying this shit posting it on Twitter with

Retards everywhere holy shit

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Literally, YES. I am not LGBTQ+ myself, but i just want to tell you all that being an ally is a great feeling, knowing you are on the right side of history. Why keep fighting this losing battle, y'all? Come to our side, it is way more colorful:D

No, this is what the jannies like now.

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You have to go to your local courthouse and turn in your fag papers

If you buy any product made in China you are an active contributor to authoritarianism and genocide.

Now I'm going to buy your game.

Because they consistently reach bump limit if not pruned.

I thought the left were able to enjoy problematic media while also being critical of it?

I'll bite. What is Hogwarts Legacy, and how do I buy it?

Why would I want to support an LGBT Community? If these individuals want to be treated like equal, functioning adults, they have to normalize by not grouping together and perpetuating the "other" with "us or them ultimatums. I can tolerate their existence just fine, but I'll never support an anti-individualist twitter fueled circlejerk of any kind.

god im sick of homos and trannies

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These faggots really don't know that people don't really care about them, it's just huge corporations using them for propaganda.

Why Trans culture so popular in america?

Maybe she only supports the LGB community?
Did they not think of that?

Why are we making threads about literal who's on twitter, it's even worse than console normies shitposting like usual on Zig Forums pretending they are hardcore

cute feet

I am a gay man and I support trans rights. I am buying the game. The world is not black and white, and the people who created the game don’t deserve to suffer and lose out on success because the initial creator is hateful.

She said bad things, but it’s not like she called for gassing trannies or murdering them. I thought in America we were supposed to tolerate other people’s opinions. I don’t tolerate nazis, but disagreeing with trans people is a different thing.

Anyway, buying the game. It doesn’t make me a bad person for buying a game. Save your energy for the truly evil like trump.

probably because she realizes trannies are mentally ill and she doesn't support glorifying it instead of treating it properly. Only reason it's acceptable is because doctors make a killing on surgeries and big pharma makes an ass load of estrogen pills

It's Harry Potter, it's going to sell like hotcakes. People boycotting the game will be what, 0.01% of potential sales?
I fucking hate twitter, all it takes is a couple of retards complaining for people to think something is going on.
Besides, Rowling already has enough money to wipe her ass with it, all they are doing is depriving themselves of a game they would enjoy and not supporting the devs.

I'm bisexual and I hate the LGBT community

Thank god I'm not an autist with this sick attachment to harry potter like half of the internet

speaking of which I forgot to shitpost on pol for a week

>You don't support the LGBT community.
Pretty sure that you guys keep saying she's a transphobe, which wouldn't be the whole LGBT community, just the T.
Christ I feel bad for the LGBs who just happen to be gay. Constantly having to associated with super fucking obnoxious people who's only personality trait is that they're LGBT. Having to be associated with fucking trannies must be the worst.

>I support trans rights
neck yourself

History repeats motherfucker

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You need to hand in your LGBT card.


Only reason I bought Ion Fury was butthurt fags, maybe I'll give Potter a try too.

I'm an autistic bisexual. Does my voice not matter, according to LGBT activists?

Friendly reminder there's an LGBT flag for pe- I'm sorry, MAPs

buying 10 copies rn

The "do shit for free" card that trannies got for being associated with the LGBs is the reason why pedos keep trying to get included too

Thank fuck, like anybody would ever want to associate with those freaks.

Trannies don't play games user.

unironically same

These people are fucking retarded and lack any empathy for the people working on this game.
Also, fuck niggers, gays and trannies.

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