if games are going to shit then why the fuck aren't you expressing your interest in free and open source video games?
We could have had decent open source games if you fuckers supported developers instead of begging gigajews to take your money
If games are going to shit then why the fuck aren't you expressing your interest in free and open source video games?
Other urls found in this thread:
kill yourself
What does Linux even offer for gaming over Windows?
>free and open source video games
Because there are like only 4 good ones that fit that criteria. Profit usually creates a larger quantity of better games.
Average apple user portrayed so lifelike its uncanny
Linux users have a superiority complex
Less games
Linux is literally the best os for vidya and has the best vidya. Im not telling you unless you learn linux yourself. Shame brainlets cant enjoy linux kino.
I had lubuntu installed and never managed to get Wine to work with any of my games unfortunately. Some games had Linux support though like Doom.
that's why Lutris is a thing, so that even newcomers can install games without having to manually set up all the hacks that are required for the game to work
It can be faster.
But the real gain is in basedness.
What does being open source add for a game? It's not like I'm gonna look at the source code
You own your OS. Windows is a license to operate not ownership.
ok, name 5 open source game devs worth supporting
That if something is shit, some player can fix it instead of just reporting bugs.
Look at all those games that need mods to be good - if they were open source, the good parts would be in the base game and would have code support, so they'd work better than mods can.
>open sores
No thanks, I want my software to actually work.
srb2kart is nice
Have you guys tried the veloren pre alpha?
its a game that aims to be the opensource cubeworld
>player can fix it
I don't want to fix bugs, I want to play video games
Nigger, learn to read. I wouldn't expect you to fix bugs because you can't even read.
The same people who make mods for closed source games, when they play open source games, make fixes and improvements to the game, not just mods.
Mods can't truly fix the game because they can't modify the engine.
woo now retards can make energy rifles in skyrim canon and i can't remove them
fuck u
That doesn't remotely answer the question.
"Free and open source" and "video games" aren't compatible.
ok, name 5 examples of bugs that cannot be fixed by mods
1. Crash in a game without mods
2. Wrongly rendered texture in a game without mods
3. AI stupidity in a game where AI can't be modded
4. Game failing to start if you aren't connected to the server
5. Game crashing whenever you alter any of the files
Performance issues
Tell me what changed between 2008 and 2020.
If you care about rights, it does.
AAA games went to shit and only retards play them.
Indie games started popping up everywhere and being good.
Plenty of great engines, like Unity, Unreal etc. greatly speedup development of games and make them require a fraction of the skill.
"people" who use linux dont have a job, unless you count shilling linux on anonymous boards a job
Cope, brainlet
Maybe someday your IQ will rise high enough that you won't qualify as clinically retarded :)
In all seriousness though, it's not that Linux is better for gaming. It's that Linux is better in many other ways, and now has also become good enough at gaming that you don't need to switch over to Windows just for games.
>install 100s of drivers, command line, having to search an alternatives everytime some guy doesnt care about is program supporting linux
>installing a pirate version of windows that is pretty much the same as the legit one and never having any problems
Am I really a brainlet for picking the solution that brings the least amount of problems?
Nonsense post. The reason I am comfortable enough with Linux to use it as my main OS is that I had to get good at Linux for work, and learned to love it. If I had no job, I'd be using Windows.
Stay on Windows if you want, but accusing Linux users of being unemployed is just weirdly stupid.
>AAA games went to shit and only retards play them.
>Indie games started popping up everywhere and being good.
>Plenty of great engines, like Unity, Unreal etc. greatly speedup development of games and make them require a fraction of the skill.
>free and open source
Pick one, you dumb Linuxfag.
If anything, the increased use of licensed proprietary engines killed free and open source games for good.
At least in 2008 most indie games used custom engines.
Devs are jews too, sometimes even worse than producers.
but you dont use it outside of your job no? Its mostly a pain in the ass but good for its purpose, that being running servers, coding on certain languages etc, but not playing videogames or other tasks like 3d modeling.
Aren't I missing out on like 50%of games by running Linux?
>>install 100s of drivers, command line, having to search an alternatives everytime some guy doesnt care about is program supporting linux
Don't have any of those problems.
Also, command line is a great benefit. It's just faster.
Linuxfags are autistic and can't fathom the thought that not everyone wants to fuck with their OS all day every day and would instead rather have things just work. There is literally no reason to ever use linux if you aren't into hobbyist programming.
>but you dont use it outside of your job no?
0/10 reading comprehension. It's my main OS at home.
>pain in the ass
Not for me.
People don't care about Linux and they never will
There is another reason: not liking Windows.
Nobody actually wants to force you to use Linux, by the way. The original post was antagonistic because it gets replies on this board, and the other Linux users ITT are just responding to "why would you ever use Linux?" etc.
If you have zero interest in Linux then please stay on Windows. If you have no motivation to learn a new operating system and are pressured into trying it anyway, you'll just become one of those "I tried Linux and it sucked" posters who just gave up before running into any actual problems because typing "sudo apt install" into a terminal looked scary and hard.