I can cook meals for you and work the house when you're not home.
I'll leave my job, I promise, just please date me, I don't want to spend another friday alone.
Date me please
I already love Nonko!
Hope you don't actually go for females with very low self esteem because once it gets higher thanks to validation you give to her she will start seeing herself as center of the world and guaranteed to cuck you harder than any entitled thot.
Same reason freed slaves establish most brutal slave regimes among each other when left alone.
>Taking pity on women
No thanks, whore, you're not fooling me.
I wish i could
I have a friend who I can set you up with. Give me your contact.
I've seen the real pic behind OPs profile. I can guarantee you her self esteem wont ever be that high.
I wish I could date Sae but at the same time I don't know how that would work since you get all her ranks as part of the story
Is the original a -1/10 or is she at least meh? I would be okay with any girl as long as she doesn't scare me
who the fuck makes trash like this?
It is unreal how much hotter Kawakami is than Becky.
that's a dude
>tfw you will never have a sandwich with the original ugly girl
People that know they are ugly deserve the adoration of the public
>Wanting someone that insecure
I've done it - it gets real tiring, real fast
No, I want to date your shadow
Women with low self esteem fucking suck because they literally won't shut up about how much of an idiot/failure they are.
After having dated one I now understand why women find confidence attractive.
I would unironically date her.
Damn, didn't know ants had good taste.
Daily reminder that:
>females can not be lonely
>females can not be unwanted
>females always have several guys lined up
>females only date up
>the wall is a meme
Becky is hot because Kawakami is underneath, and Kawakami is even hotter than the usual depressed cake teacher because sometimes she's Becky. It'd be like separating Tofu Rise from regular Rise from Risette: they all support each other to make a hotter gestalt.
The wall is definately not a meme
Yes it is. Female life is ez mode before and afted 30.
>becky calls you master
>Kawakami calls you master
I can't explain it bros
It's like going from very easy to normal. But the wall is very definetly real.
When Becky says "master," she means "customer." When Kawakami says "master," she means "master."
it's absolutely a meme, cherrypicking examples of women upset that they can't get a top 5% alpha male to fuck them, never mind that there are still lines of men begging for the chance to be abused by her.
Nope. It stays easy all life long.
So? Doesn't mean the wall isn't there.
not him depends on the woman. If a woman is beautiful and ages to be ugly then sure the wall is real but the wall doesn't exist for women who are always ugly/never get ugly