Im gonna get 100 lives in every level in mario world, im gonna be documenting it in this thread...

im gonna get 100 lives in every level in mario world, im gonna be documenting it in this thread. Starting with level 1-2.

Attached: Marioworld.jpg (1600x1200, 129.06K)

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are you circlmaster, the guy that did the ff7 99 level before the first boss?

Imagine all the things you could do in that time user, you could have beat over 5 new vidya. Don't do it

>composite stretched widescreen
why do you do this to yourself

But why?

fucking holy moly no
fucking exactly no good OR bad reason to do this, a complete waste of humanity and time, your lives dont even go passed a certain number so how are you gonna keep track for the later levels

end this now

Attached: 1584770236483.gif (216x158, 1002.76K)

>dat aspect ratio
Why do you hurt yourself like this OP?

Great game, could never beat it. Would be great with an easy mode. Good luck op!

Is this some sort of occult ritual to summon a demon or something?

obviously die 100 times first

if you see dick tree tell him that he needs to stop being such a smug bitch

stream it you homo


dick tree can go fuck himself

You can cheese this so easily


Since this is the original and not the GBA port, lives will reset after every reset. He could work his way to the castle, save, then head back to the previous levels and get lives.
I agree that this is an awful idea though.

Attached: 1595734674169.png (258x234, 54.91K)

also, lives go up to 999

Attached: spin in shallow water.jpg (800x597, 98.71K)

What? No.
They only go up to 99.

That's the GBA version, user.

I just looked it up. You're right.
>The maximum life count is raised to 999, and the maximum number of extra lives the player can get from jumping on or hitting enemies is raised from three to five; additionally, by earning at least 10 consecutive lives, a flower and text stating how many lives the player earned scrolls across the screen.

first 100 lives

Attached: marioworld2.jpg (1600x1200, 84.49K)

then 99 lives

ima see if i have a capture card lying around

Oh, it's not getting 100 lives as-is, it's getting 100 lives in every level.
That's such a waste of time, OP.

I got a capture card, gonna stream live on twitch (not using my voice cuz i dont have a good mic)

For what purpose.

Attached: marioyoshishroom.png (400x288, 482.55K)


have sex

why are you doing this OP?

Based, show us progress

gonna eat dinner be back after

>already taking a break

Document it you fuck. Or otherwise there's no point.

Lmfao this is the most autistic shit I've seen in years
Keep going retard i hope you suffer

hurry up faggot