>no flippendo
>no flippendo
not weeb enough
Actually, the company is called Nintendo
>tfw no side quest to expose all trannys and send them to Azkaban
for me it's REDUCTO
for me, it's occulus reparo
I was so sure this was vaporware, but I still don't want to get my hopes up after no gameplay being shown.
I'll only believe this is coming out when there's a release date and actual gameplay trailers.
>I still don't want to get my hopes up after no gameplay being shown
Same. Something about what was shown though gave me the same feel of the original Fable, which wouldn't be a bad approach for this.
Agreed, Hogwarts has enough going for it that it can afford being a light hearted RPG.
>No silencio
>No sleepio.
>No incontinentendo.
>No Nodnasamplesleftbehindbyrapeio.
for me it's spongify
Just imperio and when finished follow with a incendio
>spams avada kedavra
>gg wp
Why would they have a spell just for fixing VR headsets?
It takes tons of energy to use, basically a regular 4 year student couldn't kill someone with it by trying, barely make his nose bleed
If the early leaks are to be believed there wont be any of the unforgivable curses in the game anyway.
Will it use a Mana/Magicka/Slot system tho?
That's pretty faggy tbqh, I hope at least other spells can be used violently
Is there a spell that increases dick size? I'd bet all the students have massive dongs if there is
Engorgio probably.
It would be hard to balance the killing curse, and would be lore breaking as a 5th year student anyway. The other 2 would be really hard to implement anyway.
5th years can't do shit, Harry could barely get a yelp out of Bellatrix with Crucio and he was talented as fuck and 200% mad
Lorewise crucio is not as effective when you're mad. It works best when you are calm and levelheaded, which is why its so frowned upon despite it being a torture curse.
>and he was talented as fuck
not really. he was always shown to be above average, but not exactly the greatest wizard to ever live, despite his importance otherwise.
he mastered le patronus
Must have forgot that
He learned how to use a Patronus in his 3rd year, even if he's not the best he's well above the most of the retards in his year
Bellatrix would probably enjoy being crucioed by Harry.
bellatrix would probably enjoy getting crucio'd by a dog
Agreed, I had a killing curse mod in Skyrim and that made the game unplayable.
Crucio would be very easy to do but I guess that's just not that kind of game
How would you implement crucio? I suppose you could use the Imperius curse to force mobs to fight for you, agreed on the killing curse though.
you have a spellpower bar and running DoT spells take a % of your bar so if you put crucio on someone in a team fight they are stunned + taking dot and you have less spellpower to cast spells against other people
also crucio is removed when other spells are cast on the guy so you cant just stunlock a dude and dmg him on top of that
off the top of my head
I just wanna know if they're gonna have smart delivery. I don't want to buy nu-consoles until the mid gen upgrades.
The victim just fall and scream of pain.
irrc crucio has to be continuously cast, so it would be more of a sustained stunlock/dot rather than a fire and forget one.