Will you be able to play as Hermione in the new Harry Potter game?
Will you be able to play as Hermione in the new Harry Potter game?
coomer genocide when?
Please be nice
Pretty soon actually.
Hermione only looked attractive to me in 4 and during the ball scenes when I was a teen. But other than that I never understood the ruckus about her, she is not anything special. And Watson's later feminist comments made me dislike the actress.
On the other hand, I found Luna's portrayal and the actress cute. Shame how she turned in adulthood though. She pulled a reverse Longbottom.
is he considered handsome to bongs?
Another one? Which mentally ills are you harassing this time?
Romance in games is cringe
It's subjective, but you can't argue that he ended up better than he started
Is Neville Longbottom actually Neville Sorebottom?
Cat Hermione from book 2 should be an alt.
More like Neville Nobottom.
Neville Powerbottom
Neville Bikinibottom.
I agree with you in principal but your eloquence is lacking.
>hurr le coomer maymay
harry potter is a housewife series. who gives a fuck
Give it a rest fren. It's annoying, but it's ingrained in Zig Forums culture at this point.
is akabur still turning his games into grindfests?
Is this one made by Akabur? He's been working on other stuff for a while right? I think these guys just copied his style.
Damn he really upped his jawline game
If it comes to PC I hope mods will let us turn her into a slutmage
>hurr durr everyone keeps calling it a Harry Potter game
>literally has nothing to do with Harry Potter and friends
What about the train scene where they're eating chocolate frogs? If you don't wish she was snacking on your knob there instead of frogs you aren't straight
They set it in the 1800's because as we can see from the Fantastic beasts movies, pre-boomer wizards were about 100x more powerful, basically had super powers with what they could do.
Now, as we saw in the 1-7 HP movies, these millennial wizards ace-in-the-hole big powerful attack is... Expecto patronum? wew lads
Innocent Witches is made by... Sad Panda? I think? Totally different games.
I've seen so many of this kind of images. Random people organizing "raids" for multiple reasons, from these "coomers" to trannies and Zig Forumstards. What pushes a human being to waste their time organizing shitposts in a website about chinese cartoons?
power scaling in HP was never great, the magic in the movies has scaled proportionately with how cheap it is to do CGI, that's the only reason everyone in Fantastic Beasts is retarded powerful
>not picking superior WT Hermione
>4 years
>still barebone content
fucking retarded ass dev
is that artist still alive ?
Imagine being her toilet...
I don't give a flying fuck. I'm tired of faggots and "gaming journalists" spewing retarded shit about a Harry Potter game when it has nothing to do with HP...it's literally just an open world Hogwarts game. Nobody gives a fuck about Hogwarts or the wizarding world if it doesn't involve Voldemort, Harry and friends. Just like nobody gave a flying fuck about that Fantastic Beasts movie.
It’s made by some other scam artists. IIRC they make a ton of money on patreon and it’s been in development for years but there’s still only 1 sex scene in the fucking game and it appears their goal is to make it the most tedious game imaginable. Even by the very low standards of porn games, it’s terrible
Imagine having a giant brand and not slapping that shit front and center to maximize profit.