>Odyssey is forgotten
>Splatoon is forgotten
>Mario Maker is forgotten
>Paper Mario is forgotten
>PMD is forgotten
>nobody talk about other games except Smash and Animal Crossing
just like the N64, only few games worth playing and the rest are flavor of the month shovelware.
what an overrated console
Odyssey is forgotten
Unironically WiiU was a better console.
>Odyssey is forgotten
Not really, I still have yet to play it and have been looking for a cheap used copy.
I'm thinking of getting a Wii to play Wii and GC games on portable. is it worth it?
hardly, it still sells decently week to week with new Switch owners.
Spla2n too.
Mario Maker is legitimately forgotten, as is Paper Mario and PMD
I talk a fair bit about Astral Chain and Splatoon though
This is what happens when gaming goes mainstream
The only reason the older titles seemed so amazing at the time was because it was the first time we saw Nintendo characters in a 3D space, and the gaming community was really niche compared to the gaming community now, so it was its own unique, fresh, interesting, and niche hobby
It’s all rehashed shit, nothing fresh, fully normielized and mainstream, all been done before in some way.
This is why nobody talks about it. There’s nothing to say. None of the games brought anything new.
>He needs his games to have constant praise and attention long after he finished playing it in order to feel like it was worth it
What a joke of a human being.
As an N64 fag the switch has it way better than the 64 did. I can count the number of really good non Nintendo/Rare games on one hand, maybe two.
wasnt the original mario maker better than the new one?
no, stop being a contrarian faggot you fucking dipshit
This is what happens when gaming goes mainstream
The only reason the older titles seemed so amazing at the time was because it was the first time we saw Nintendo characters in a 3D space, and the gaming community was really niche compared to the gaming community now, so it was its own unique, fresh, interesting, and niche hobby
It’s all rehashed shit, nothing fresh, fully normielized and mainstream, all been done before in some way.
This is why nobody talks about it. There’s nothing to say. None of the games brought anything new and game-changing
Just recently hacked my switch, if I couldn't hack it the switch would be the worst purchase I have made in years. Paying £50 for games that I wouldnt even pay £10 for on my mobile and my mobile looks better
>wii u
also the gamepad is chunky and feels like a fisher price toy, the screen sucks as well
sad truth
I wish I could experience some 90s games for the first time. shit was mindblowing back then.
now everything feels so generic and trying to mimic something
WiiU only had 1 MH game, Switch has 3, hence its a better system
>This is what happens when gaming goes mainstream
What the fuck are you talking about? gaming was always mainstream, specially Nintendo ones
It has Monster Hunter kino you virgin.
wow you niggers really are seething uh?
you people didn't care about the first MH on switch, stop pretending that you are huge MH fans
If you think this about the Switch, I can't imagine how you view the other consoles. The Xbox hasn't had a game since MCC, which was ported and the PS4 hasn't had a game since Bloodborne.
I'm planning to get a switch soon, what are some good games aside from botw and mario games? Is the donkey kong game good? I don't think I'd like animal crossing since I don't like time sinks.
Xbox has multiplats with Sony and PC, so there are tons to play.
Nintendo is full of baby/casual games
fittingly, you forgot Luigi's Mansion 3
Didnt know Bayonetta, Astral Chain, Fire Emblem, Monster Hunter and Shin Megami Tensei were baby games
I honestly keeps forgetting that it exists lol
In some respects, primarily because of the gamepad functionality
Which can still be used but most people don't have a stylus to use with their Switch in handheld mode
>Bayonetta, Astral Chain, Monster Hunter and Shin Megami Tensei
non-Nintendo fans care about those games more than Nintendo fans themselves
But the literal only reason to buy a console is exclusives. If you're not playing multiplats on PC, you're doing it wrong.
who the fuck is a fan of a company? you usually are fan of franchises.
>non-Nintendo fans care about those games more than Nintendo fans themselves
citation needed
hacked switch is the way to go. Having every snes, n64, sega, gba, most ps1, etc. game ever stored on a single ssd card that I can load in my portable handheld/big screen hybrid is pretty fucking awesome. great controller, analog, and a d-pad that is actually multi-directional, unlike the psp have made this one of my better Zig Forums investments over the past decade
>handhelds are for portability above else
>PC is freedom and better grpahics
>PS/XBOX/Nintendo for games YOU actually want
what's the point of owning a system with too many exclusives you don't care about? just to brag about online that your brand has more hostage games?
/vg/ would be a more accurate assessment of relative popularity of current games.
I just finished splat2 and octo expansion not too long ago. But why would I talk about it here?
All of those games are still appearing among best sellers in Amazon.
What the hell is this thread?
It really wasn't. The only advantages it has over the Switch is better Virtual Console and free online. Take off your nostalgia goggles.
he is a psychotic faggot who probably is suicidal after yesterdays direct, he wanted the Switch to fail with all of his heart.
>still thinking everyone who hates nintendo is 1 person from 2017
this is pure autism
Odessy was a fun game but Mario titles in general don't really have staying power on their own, its the Mario franchise as a whole that stays relevant due to its age. Also:
> No mention of the best Switch game
See pic
what a massive tard holy shit
Every one of those games you listed is selling a million copies+ a year still
The one that was a port of a 3DS game? Weird.
I mean, it's absolutely how every single Snoy tranny feels. Granted, I'm convinced there are only 20 or so of these faggots and they just take turns shitposting on Zig Forums 24/7.