Hollow Knight

how do i get through crystallized mound? i fucking hate the platforming in combination with the enemies. i hate this fucking shit so fucking much, why can't i move for a second after getting hit, why do the controls feel so shit and who fucking designed crystal hunters?
i hope the fucking die before they finish the sequel to this rage inducing turd

Attached: hollow knight.jpg (616x353, 79.45K)


"ok" me once again you bug fucker

Attached: 1582761222523.png (352x367, 27.46K)

Why don't you play one of the countless better indievanias instead?

>why do the controls feel so shit
What? This is one of the things the game does right, the controls are fucking tight, and if you die it's hardly the game's fault.

This. He should play Bloodstained and enjoy heavy weapons that have a 2 second windup while doing 1.25 the amount of damage a 0.1 second windup dagger of equal tier does. A REAL metroidvania with floaty, shitty movement that feels like the game is set on the moon but a visual aesthetic that feels like it was designed by 50 different teams. Why wouldn't he want to play a game where most shards are completely fucking useless. Hollow Knight is just too mainstream and no true gamer with a respectable underground connoisseur rep would ever be caught playing it.



whenever i do the dash thing it feels like there is an input delay, a really bad one that fucks me over so god damn many times that i'm going insane
already played through the game and am going for the speedrun shit. arrived at crystal caves 2 hours or so in and now i'm over fucking 4 hours and can't progress because of this piece of shit level

>crystalized mound
3/10 bait, got me to reply